As Nangong Yu spoke, she burst into tears and burst into tears.

Nangong Yi said coldly: "Do you think that if you go to Xianbei, no one will know about your past? What an idiot. Since Helan Qi knows that you are a legitimate princess, he naturally knows about your past, and He Lanxue, she is very fond of you. Your details are also clear. If you stay in Dajin, no matter how prejudiced the future prince-in-law is against you, he will never dare to make you angry. But if you come to Xianbei, if you are wronged, we will It's beyond our reach, so you have no choice but to endure the suffering."

Nangong Yu said: "He Lanqi took the initiative to propose, so he naturally knew my past, but he still came to propose. It can be seen that he wanted to be friends with our Dajin forever, so for my brother's sake, he would not treat me lightly." , for me, I have never thought about loving him as husband and wife, raising eyebrows or anything like that. I just want to leave here, go to a place where no one knows me, live quietly, and not be used in strange ways. It would be nice if you look at her with your eyes and not be discriminated against by others. As for He Lanxue, brother doesn’t have to worry about her talking too much. She has always been smart and will never do anything that harms others and does not benefit herself. "

She said so much, her words were sincere, and she seemed to be taking action. Nangong Yi said: "It seems that you are determined to marry to Xianbei?"

"Yes, except for my mother and my brother, there is nothing here worthy of my nostalgia, so I ask my brother to help me."

Nangong Yu said and knelt down.

The reason why she had to marry to Xianbei was not entirely because of Mo Ziqi. Mo Ziqi was the only reason for her to stay in Dajin. After she despaired of Mo Ziqi, she felt that she could no longer stay here. .

As a woman who had lost her virginity and had her courtship rejected, she couldn't bear the sympathy or mocking glances everyone cast on her whenever there was a banquet in the palace; she also couldn't bear the sight and hearing of Mo Ziqi talking to him all the time. How loving the newlywed wife is; I can't stand the mother and brother selling her everywhere with kindness and power like they are selling goods!

She was almost suffocating and couldn't wait to change to a new environment. Although she knew that the king of Xianbei was more than twenty years older than her, she also knew that he would not really value her. However, Xianbei is the only safe haven she can find at the moment. She just wants to find a place where there are no sarcastic or curious eyes, no false sympathy and concern, let alone Mo Ziqi's indifference and ruthlessness, and even no There is no such person as Mo Ziqi.

There, she is a princess from a foreign country. She is a complete stranger to the people and subjects there. She can start a new life there, forget the pain of the past, forget Mo Ziqi, and start everything from scratch...

Nangong Yi was silent for a long time and said: "You have chosen the road yourself. Don't blame me as your brother for not reminding you that He Lanqi is not a good person. If you regret it now, it's still too late. If you wait until I tell the world, you will regret it." , I regretted it too much."

Hearing this, Nangong Yu said in surprise: "Brother, do you agree?"

"Yes, you are going to cut your hair and become a sister-in-law. Can I still object?" Nangong Yi said coldly and left.

He could no longer love the sister he had loved since childhood. When she was a child, she was stupid. It was because she was young and ignorant, and she was excusable. But now that she is such an adult, she still does it again and again. And San's confusion can only show that she is really hopeless and stupid as a pig.

Nangong Yi returned to the Imperial Study Room upset. As soon as he entered the door, Nangong Yi looked around. When he didn't see Caiwei, he asked Xiaozhi, "Where is the Queen?"

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