Xiao Zhifu lowered his body and said, "Go back to the emperor. Your Majesty, your Majesty is asleep on the couch!"

After hearing this, Nangong Yi entered the east bedroom and said to the servants waiting inside: "You all can go out. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

Meng Huaian and others quietly exited. Nangong Yi entered the tent and saw that the tent was empty with no trace of a human being, so he whispered: "Madam, come out!"

In the space, Caiwei, who was taking a bath, heard the man's cry and muttered: "Trouble!"

At this moment, she was naked and wet, and it was inconvenient for her to go out, so she shouted: "Take it in!" and took her man into the space.

Nangong Yi is already very familiar with space. Not only is he familiar with it, he is simply dependent on it.

Now, he bathes, practices martial arts, and approves memorials every day in the space. Even the food he eats and the water he drinks comes from the space. Unfortunately, cotton and silk are not produced in the space. Otherwise, his clothes would also be worn. Produced by space.

After finding the hot spring, Nangong Yi took off his clothes and entered the hot spring. He sat on the warm jade steps and held Caiwei on his knees. The hot spring was not big, but it was more than enough to accommodate the two of them.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the difference in the man's expression, Caiwei raised her hand, gently traced his handsome eyebrows, and silently comforted him.

Nangong Yi said bluntly: "Not before Chaoyue, I actually wrote a letter to He Lanqi without permission, expressing my willingness to marry him. Now that the letter has reached He Lanqi's hands, now I can't even think about not granting him a marriage." !"

Caiwei smiled and said, "What a big deal I have, isn't it just a letter? If you don't want to marry Chao Yue, it's easy to handle. I'll send Yingge and Changmei to guarantee that the letter will be picked up within seven days. return!"

Hearing this, the man was not surprised at all, but he said with a serious face: "Forget it, since she insists on getting married, let her get married. They say that women are not allowed to stay, and staying here will lead to injustice. I I don’t want her and my mother to complain about me for the rest of her life when she gets her hair cut. She is no longer young and it’s time to take responsibility for her own life and decisions!"

Caiwei rarely said anything about Nangong Yu's affairs. Now that Nangong Yi had let go, she didn't bother to care. Just like Nangong Yi said, she was no longer a child and should be responsible for her own life and decisions. , since it was her decision to marry He Lanqi, then no matter what happens in the future, she should bear the consequences of her decision.

Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Caiwei wanted to make him happy, so she lowered her head and touched her round belly and said, "Baby, when you grow up in the future, you must listen to your father and don't mess with your father." So happy!"

The little guys in the belly seemed to hear it. As soon as Caiwei finished speaking, two small bumps immediately appeared on her belly.

Caiwei cried out in surprise: "Yi, look, the children heard it, they are responding to me, they are moving!"

When Nangong Yi heard this, he looked at Caiwei's round belly and saw the mark of the lady's little hand. This feeling was wonderful. The depression in his heart disappeared without a trace. He focused on Caiwei's belly. superior.

"Son, I am your father!"

Nangong Yi pressed the two small handprints gently, without realizing at all that his voice was so gentle that it could make the water flow out.

Of course Caiwei is very happy that men love children so much. She never thought that Nangong Yi would like children so much. In her impression, men in this world don't like children very much. Maybe her man is an exception...

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