Because she was so moved, Caiwei couldn't help but help her man speak good words in front of the children: "Baby, your father is very good to you. The vegetables and grains we eat every day are all grown by your father for us." It's coming out!"

After receiving praise from his wife, Nangong Yi became more active. He said softly to the big and small bumps on her belly: "As long as you all are obedient, my father will not only grow food for you, but also wait for you in the future." When you grow up, I will teach you martial arts..."

When it came to teaching martial arts, the little guys in her belly started to flutter, as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They pushed up many big and small bumps on Caiwei's belly. I don't know if it was their little fists or their little feet, but also Or little knees or little heads.


Caiwei screamed and held her belly, really afraid that these little villains would poke her belly.

Nangong Yi saw Caiwei frowning and saw the bulges on her belly. He couldn't help frowning and warned in a low voice: "You little bastards, don't bully your mother or queen. Otherwise, when you come out, your father will kill you one by one." I will take care of you. "

After saying this, the commotion in Caiwei's stomach was indeed much quieter. Nangong Yi said with satisfaction: "Well, seeing that you are quite obedient, my father will make sweet and sour hairtail for you later." , spicy shredded chicken..."

Just do it. Nangong Yi was almost done, so he got up and went out to cook for Cai Wei.

They say sour and spicy girls, but Caiwei's taste is very strange. She likes both sour and spicy food. She can't eat anything without sour and spicy food at every meal, and her appetite has become very large, like It's like a bottomless pit, and the food intake is two or three times larger than before, and the body is also a lot plumper, but it does not appear bloated.

Perhaps women are beautiful when they are pregnant. Caiwei's face became even whiter, and her face always had a holy halo. Sometimes, Nangong Yi felt that she was so beautiful that she seemed unreal, as if she was made of snow. Yes, it melts with just a touch.

After the man went out, Caiwei came out quickly. She dried her body and wore only a loose nightgown. She wandered around the space. The meal would be ready in a while, but she was already hungry.

"Hey, what can we have something to eat?"

She picked a big pink flat peach from the peach tree and ate it. The flat peach was rich in juice, thin in skin and crispy in texture. It was sweet to the heart. After Caiwei ate one, she picked another under the grape trellis. I sat under the grape trellis and swung my legs to eat a bunch of grapes. As I ate, I thought: I heard that it is good for pregnant women to eat more nuts. Unfortunately, there are no nuts in her space. It seems that a man will have to plant them for her tomorrow. Some.

Since Nangong Yi came to the space, Changmei's job has become much lighter than before. Most of the work has been done by Nangong Hui. When Nangong Yi did these things, he did not regard these tasks as a burden. Instead, he treats it as every kind of enjoyment. Whenever he concentrates on farming, he will feel relaxed and his whole body seems to be closely integrated with the space...

The couple stayed leisurely in the space, but they didn't know that at this time, there was already an uproar in the Yukun Palace.

Empress Dowager Mo found out that Nangong Yu had written a letter to He Lanqi privately. She was so angry that she almost went crazy. She sent someone to call her and slapped her in the face without any reason.

Nangong Yu was beaten so hard that she almost fell to the ground. She covered her face and said aggrievedly: "Mother, why did you hit me?"

"How dare you ask!"

Queen Mother Mo was so angry that she was trembling, "Back then, you went to see Saknu privately and caused a huge disaster. Although my mother was embarrassed and punished for following you, she didn't say a bad word about you. She knew it was you who was involved in the world. If you are not mature enough, you will be confused for a moment, and you will definitely learn a lesson after suffering a big loss, but now you know that you are just a stupid person who has not grown up, and you will not learn a lesson no matter how much you suffer!"

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