Nangong Yu understood that the queen mother knew about her letter to He Lanqi, so she was so angry.

She covered her red and swollen face, knelt down, and said with tears: "Mother, just think that your daughter is confused. The matter has come to this, and it is impossible to turn back. If you really love your daughter, let her marry her!"

"No! Definitely not!"

Queen Mother Mo slammed the table so hard that the tea cups on the table jumped up, "I don't agree. If you want to marry Xianbei, you have to wait until I die!"


Nangong Yu cried out in tears and said, "My daughter knows you love me, so please love her again and let her marry her. The daughter of the Jin Dynasty can't stay any longer. When she comes to Xianbei, her daughter can forget all these pains." Why do you have to leave your daughter in Dajin to suffer and suffer in order to start a new life?"

"What torture? What torture? Who tortured you? Who tortured you?" Empress Dowager Mo said emotionally: "You are my biological daughter, the emperor's biological sister. Looking at the entire Jin Dynasty, who dares to torture you? , tormenting you is clearly your own fault. Just because Mo Ziqi rejected you, you are so despondent that everyone hates you and looks down on you. You don’t even want your mother and brother. You want it all alone. Go away from home, Yu'er, isn't it too selfish of you to do this? Have you ever thought about my feelings as a mother? Have you ever thought about your brother's feelings? "

After saying that, he collapsed on the Babu bed, covered his mouth and started crying.

Seeing her mother being so excited, Nangong Yu hurriedly crawled to Queen Mother Mo's side and cried: "Queen Mother, Yu'er knows I'm sorry for you, so just think that Yu'er is selfish, but Yu'er is really waiting in the Jin Dynasty. I can’t go on anymore. Brother Ziqi doesn’t want me. He doesn’t even look at me. The wives and daughters of the court secretly laugh at me and look down on me. They always look at me with that mocking look when they see me. Mother, I I really can't stand it anymore. If I stay here any longer, I will definitely collapse. Please, please, just let me leave here..."

As she said that, she kowtowed her head, crying and kowtowing, her forehead turning red with bang bang bang!


Queen Mother Mo shouted sharply, and Nangong Yu stopped, raised her head, and looked at her with tearful eyes.

"If Ziqi is willing to marry you, can you not go to Xianbei?"

Nangong Yu was startled: "What?"

Empress Dowager Mo repeated: "I am asking, if Mo Ziqi is willing to marry you, will you not go to Xianbei?"

"Brother Ziqi will marry me?"

She repeated it again, then smiled sadly and said: "Don't say it, Empress, Brother Ziqi will never marry me. Even if Empress insists on marrying me to someone else, I will go to others to attract disgust. Instead of In this way, my daughter would rather not marry him so as to leave the last bit of dignity for herself."

"What if he volunteered?" Queen Mother Mo continued to ask.

Nangong Yu said: "Mother, don't say impossible things, so as not to ignite your daughter's hopes and end up in vain, which will make her sad."

Queen Mother Mo said: "I have a way to make him marry you voluntarily and make you her first wife like Mu Caifei. Are you willing?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yu's heart shrank, and an elegant and wild handsome face appeared in front of her eyes. Marrying him was what she dreamed of, how could she not want to? As long as she could marry him, she would be willing to share a husband with someone else, even if she stayed in Dajin and continued to be ridiculed and ridiculed by others.

But, what can the Queen Mother do to make him change his mind?

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