Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1568 Giving birth (3)

Now that Mrs. Fu Guogong finally met the Queen, and saw the Queen sending her away with such indifferent words, she was naturally frightened and uneasy. While being scared, she was thinking of ways to impress the Queen.

Today is Duke Li's birthday banquet, and everyone from the Mu family is here. Even the little butterfly is brought here for everyone to play with.

It's just that Wen'er is eight years old and can no longer sit with the ladies in the backyard. Therefore, in the backyard, Caiwei only saw her mother, Wu'er Caidie.

After sitting at the table, Caiwei ordered Fei'er to sit next to her with Cai Die in her arms. The two sisters talked quietly about themselves while eating and watching a play.

After Feier got married, she changed a lot when she was with her parents. Not only was she more beautiful than before, but she was also able to talk better than before. It was obvious that Mo Ziqi had taught her a lot.

"Fei'er, how are you doing in Duke Li's mansion? Is everyone treating you well? What do you expect from you?"

Feier said: "Eldest sister, don't worry, everyone is very kind to Feier, only Mo Ziqi is hateful and always bullies me.  "

When Caiwei heard this, she asked nervously: "Why did he... bully you?"

Feier said angrily: "He always forces me to memorize poems and practice calligraphy. He even forces me to learn horse riding. In the past two days, he has forced me to learn martial arts. It's really abominable!"

It turned out that this kind of bullying, Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and her worried heart dropped. As long as it wasn't the kind of "bullying" she thought in her heart, it would be fine. What's more, what Mo Ziqi did to her was not Bullying is a sign of a man's love for a woman.

A man is willing to spend so much experience taking care of her just because he hopes that she can become better and progress with him. This is a unique manifestation of his love for her. It’s just that Feier is still young now, so Just understand this.

On the other side, Madam Wu and Mrs. Du were chatting enthusiastically. The eldest lady was full of praise for Fei'er, her daughter-in-law, and she also showed the clothes she was wearing to Mrs. Du, because this dress was made by Fei'er. hand.

She showed her happiness in such a high-profile manner, which naturally aroused the admiration and praise of all the ladies present here. Everyone praised Fei'er for her ingenuity, filial piety and sensibleness. Although Mrs. Wu smiled modestly, her face was rosy.

In contrast, the second lady Bai is much more lonely. She originally had a daughter-in-law to show off. If Mo Zili hadn't messed up, she might have grandchildren to show off now, but now she has nothing. , even his son ran away, and he was deceived under the pretense that Mo Qingshan was seriously ill.

Even if he came back from the scam, the boy was still stubborn. He refused to agree to get married, and refused to stay in Dajin. He bluntly said that he would leave after his grandfather's birthday.

Bai and Mo Qingshan have been tortured to the point of haggard by Mo Zili. He is their only child, and his heart is as important as his eyes. In the past few months since she left, the couple has not been able to eat well or sleep well. They both thinned out into a pair of paper figures, and finally managed to trick him back. The two of them agreed that they could never let him go again.

No matter if they force or tie him, even if they kneel down and beg him, they must let him stay, stay with them, and he will not be allowed to run around anymore.

They had already discussed with him about getting him married, but Mo Zili was very resolute and refused to get married no matter what, because once he got married, if Xiangyun fell out of favor a few years later, he would not be able to get married. Fa came back to him….

He was strongly opposed to his family's desire to find a woman similar to Xiangyun to comfort his longing for Xiangyun. Not to mention that he doesn't know how to marry, even if he does, he will never find a woman similar to Xiangyun, because in this world, there is only one Xiangyun, and no one can replace her. The other fakes cannot let him I feel comforted, but also feel pain because of the appearance of those women.

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