Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1569 Giving birth (4)

Mo Zili was in pain, and Bai was in even more pain. His son had become paranoid and turned into a demon, leaving them at a loss as to what to do.

Seeing other people marrying a daughter-in-law, they can show off with their daughter-in-law and enjoy their family relationship, but they are frightened and on tenterhooks, just hoping that the prince of Qingluo Kingdom will not murder because of his son's paranoia!

As for the Empress Dowager's suggestion that Mo Zili marry Nangong Yu, they had also mentioned it to him. Mo Zili just sneered and said, "I don't want to buy fakes myself, so how can I make others' fakes?"

Everyone knows that Nangong Yu is in love with Mo Ziqi. Now the Queen Mother proposes to marry Nangong Yu to Mo Zili, which is really not good. Mo Qingshan and the Bai family don't like Nangong Yu, especially since she lost her virginity and her son If you marry such a woman, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life.

Therefore, after learning about their son's attitude, they reported Mo Zili's attitude directly to Queen Mother Mo without a word of dissuasion, asking her to choose a husband for Nangong Yubie and not to waste her youth on their son.

In fact, Duke Li and the old lady didn't like Nangong Yu either, but due to their daughter's affection, they had to maintain a neutral attitude. Since Mo Zili didn't agree, they just went with the flow and let nature take its course. It's up to him to put some pressure on Mo Zili.

Empress Dowager Mo originally planned to marry her daughter into Duke Li's palace, which would give her a lifelong support. Unexpectedly, she was rejected by her good intentions and refused to have her daughter. In anger, she even attended her father's birthday banquet. He didn't attend and hid in the palace sulking alone. He only sent someone to bring some birthday gifts.


In the middle seat, Caiwei was still talking to Fei'er about herself, but the topic had shifted from men and family to career.

Caiwei asked: "Fei'er, how did you arrange the dowry that your sister prepared for you?"

While picking up the dishes that were easy to swallow and feeding them to Die'er, Fei'er said, "The dowry has gone into my private treasury. I gave the village and the shop to the housekeeper, and asked him to find someone to take care of it for me."

Caiwei nodded and said, "Your marriage is happy and happy. My sister is very happy for you, but you must remember that women must have independent thoughts and careers of their own. Never let yourself be a subordinate of a man." Good quality, let alone put all your happiness on men. As time goes by, you may be able to see what will happen in the next three or five years, but what will happen in thirty or fifty years is anyone’s guess. I don’t know, so I have to leave a way out for myself in case of emergency."

After hearing this, Feier pursed her lips and said, "Sister, are you afraid that Mo Ziqi will let me down in the future?"

Caiwei said: "What my sister said is not all about the attitude of men towards you. There are many other reasons. In short, remember what my sister said and be a woman who has thoughts, a stand, and is independent financially and mentally. There is no harm in the future!"

Xiangyun didn't quite understand what her sister meant, but she had listened to her words since she was a child. Seeing her sister's seriousness, she said solemnly: "Sister, Fei'er knows. From tomorrow on, Fei'er will take care of it herself." The village and shop that my sister gave to Mayfair."

Before the two of them finished speaking, Yang Yong, the eunuch next to Nangong Yi, came over. He said hello to the old lady with a pleasant smile, and then said to Caiwei: "Your Majesty, have you eaten well? Your Majesty is worried. Sitting for too long is not good for your health. I have ordered you to go back to the palace, and Your Majesty will go back with you."

As soon as Yang Yong finished speaking, he immediately aroused a burst of envy from all the ladies present. The emperor is the emperor, but he can be so attentive and considerate to his wife. The life of the empress is really great.

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