Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1578 Dragon and Phoenix Triplets (7)

He arrived in front of the bed in a few steps and said with a smile: "Come here, let me see why it hasn't been rubbed away yet. "

Caiwei blushed and coughed, slowly opened her clothes and said, "I had already drank lactation soup when you went to court, but the hard lump here was very stubborn and I couldn't rub it away. It hurts."

Nangong Yi stretched out his hand and squeezed it, causing Caiwei to murmur, but he smiled and said: "It seems to be hard, but I feel it is a lot bigger. It's not enough to be gentle. To deal with a stubborn lump, you should Just rub it hard, I'm just thinking about our prince, hey... don't cover it up, okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore..."

When Nangong Yi came out of the house and asked the wet nurse to take the children in, the queen's mammary glands had been unclogged, but her face was red, and her breasts were even more ridiculously red, almost redder than her face...

The eldest prince and the little prince had already sucked the wet nurse's milk and fell asleep. The little princess was still moaning and humming. Caiwei hugged her as the wet nurse taught her, and brought her red face close to her.

The little girl still closed her eyes tightly, squeezed into a slit. Because of her small face, her eyelashes became thicker and longer. She trembled and hummed, making her look fragile and cute. As soon as he got close and felt his mother's soft and sweet scent, the little guy seemed to have found something new and strange. He immediately stopped crying. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, but he searched for it in his mouth.

Caiwei's heart suddenly became soft and she hurriedly took advantage of the situation and put it in. The little guy immediately started sucking it in. Her bright red mouth was like a small suction cup, and she ate it very sweetly. …

Three days later, the little prince and the little princess held a baptism ceremony. It was a lively ceremony that was rare in a hundred years. Civil and military officials of the third rank and above, as well as the imperial wives, all came to the palace to congratulate them.

In just a few days, the news that the Empress had given birth to triplets, a dragon and a phoenix, had spread throughout the capital and spread to the entire Jin Kingdom as quickly as possible.

Early that morning, not only was the palace bustling with excitement, but the entire capital was in jubilation.

The emperor granted a general amnesty and reduced rents across the country for half a year.

Wedding coins and cakes were thrown at the gates of the palace and Mu's mansion to celebrate the birth of triplets, a dragon and a phoenix.

In the streets and alleys, people are talking about the triplets of dragon and phoenix given birth to by the Queen.

"I heard that when the little prince and the little princesses were born, the sky was filled with rays of rays of light that lingered for a long time. I took a closer look and saw, oh, there seemed to be two golden dragons and a golden phoenix flying in the clouds. I was so scared at that time. Ah, I thought I was dazzled. Now that I think about it, those two golden dragons and a golden phoenix are not the little prince and little princess who were reborn in the belly of our queen!"

"Golden dragon and golden phoenix? I was looking at the sky in the yard. Why didn't I see it?"

"Hey, you are so dim-sighted that you can see a ball? Besides, this kind of auspiciousness is not something ordinary people can see."

"Who says it's not the case? The little prince and the little princess are born extraordinary. They are both imbued with fairy spirit. They are not something ordinary people can see. I heard that anyone who can look at them will be blessed!"

Inside Suncheonjeon Hall

The three children were all wrapped in bright red swaddling clothes. After three days of growth, although they were still small, their skin was no longer wrinkled and had a smooth feeling.

The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, and Caiwei's mother, Du Shi, held the three children in a circle to make their appearance, and then the three baptisms were performed.

Even the Supreme Emperor, who had always lived in seclusion, came out and personally named his grandchildren. The eldest prince was named Nangong Jin, and the younger prince was named Nangong Yu. Jin Yu means beautiful jade, and also refers to virtues and talents. He also hopes that both of them will For this grandson to be like this, the little princess gave him the name Nangong Mingzhu, which means the pearl in the palm of your hand and is extremely delicate.

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