Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1579 Xiangyun also gave birth (1)

Caiwei was still in confinement and did not attend the three baptisms. Today, the children were taken out by the nanny, and the man was not here. She took the opportunity to put down the bed curtains, and under the pretense of sleeping, she went into the space to find old turtle to nurse her. own body.

She had just given birth to three big and strong babies, and her belly was stretched to pieces and hanging loosely. It was also covered with ugly stretch marks, which was unbearable to see.

After giving birth that day, she immediately wrapped her belly with raw silk and did not let the man see her belly. It was not because she was afraid that he would dislike her, but as a woman, she hopes that the man she loves deeply can see her. The best part is that I don't want him to see her ugly appearance.

Therefore, solving your own body shape is the top priority right now.

After entering the space, she ran to the hot spring and took a quick bath. In the last few months of pregnancy, her body was so heavy that she couldn't even take a good bath. However, she was a person who valued privacy and didn't like serving others. I was touching myself all over, so I was waiting for a good wash after giving birth.

After washing, she put on a pair of loose pajamas and went to find the old turtle to discuss her sagging belly.

Old Oogway had expected that she would be like this, and had already prepared skin-conditioning ointment for her, and also thoughtfully prepared some vaginal-shrinking ointment for her to prevent her vagina from loosening after giving birth and ruining the fun between them as a couple.

Of course Caiwei was very grateful to the Great Turtle for being so considerate. She picked it up and kissed it twice, and then she couldn't wait to run back to her boudoir to apply the medicine.

I don’t know what kind of precious medicinal materials these two ointments are made from. They are very fragrant, with a nice light aroma that makes people want to smell it. The cool ointment is also very comfortable when applied on the skin. Not long after I applied it, I felt that the area where the medicine was applied became hot, as if the medicine had penetrated into the skin and began to improve and condition the damaged skin.

In her previous life, she had learned some yoga exercises for women to improve their body. She recalled those movements and started doing them, hoping to restore her body as soon as possible...

Many women, after giving birth to children, let their image become casual and sloppy. They think that if they and their husbands have children, their husbands will always guard the family and will never run away no matter what happens to her.

It is precisely because of this negative mentality that many women’s husbands start hanging out after their wives give birth, and some even have affairs. Of course, men who do this are nothing, but when I think about it, If the wife dresses herself up and has a positive energy, the chance of a man cheating will be much smaller, and many family tragedies can be avoided.

Although Caiwei is not worried about what will happen to Nangong Yi, she must maintain a good image in front of him, because men are visual animals, and a woman's external image is crucial to their attitude towards women.

After the third baptism ceremony, Fei'er, Du Shi, and Wen'er Wu'er went to the Imperial Study Room to see Caiwei. Mu Zhongqing was a foreigner and could not see the women in the palace without permission. Although Nangong Yi said that he would be allowed to see Caiwei without being polite. , but Mu Zhongqing was cautious and did not dare to go any further. Even when Nangong Yi asked him to go, he did not dare to go. As soon as the three baptismal rites were over, he followed the other adults and left the palace.

Caiwei had finished a whole set of yoga in the space. When she heard her mother came in, she hurriedly left the space and pretended to have just woken up to talk to them.

Immediately afterwards, the three little milk buns were also sent back by the nannies. Today's bath was three times, but they were tortured. Now they are all full of milk, clenching their little fists, and falling asleep soundly.

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