Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1580 Xiangyun also gave birth (2)

As soon as the little buns came back, Mrs. Du no longer cared about Caiwei. She took Fei'er, Wen'er and Wu'er around the golden nanmu crib of the little buns. They looked at her with curiosity. She couldn't get enough of it, especially It was Mrs. Du, and the love in her eyes was almost overflowing.

Feier also likes these children very much, not only because they are her closest blood relatives, but also because these little guys are really cute. Look at the way they look when they are lying together and sleeping together, they look like three pink beauties. She looks like a little porcelain figure, with her round face and pea-sized nose, which makes her look strange.

She lives in Duke Li's Mansion and knows a little bit about the affairs in the palace. She knows that the Queen Mother has always looked down on her sister. With these little things, she must be able to look down on her sister.

Wen'er and Wu'er were chattering, discussing who was the older one and who was the younger one. Although they were red-faced, they both knew how to keep their voices to a minimum, for fear of disturbing their little nephew.

Feier looked at the baby for a while, then walked over with a smile and said to Caiwei: "These little guys are so exquisite. They have inherited almost all the advantages of my sister and the Holy One. They will definitely be even more amazing when they grow up."

When Caiwei heard this, she pursed her lips and smiled and said: "You girl, you have learned to be glib after getting married. Stop trying to coax me. How beautiful can a newborn child be!" Although she said so, her face But his face was still full of love.

Feier smiled and said, "I'm not trying to coax you. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see! My eyes are sharp!"

Du Shi also smiled and said, "Fei'er is right. Although the little ones haven't grown yet and can't be seen clearly, you can tell by looking at their facial features and faces that they will definitely be fine."

Wen'er also interjected at this time: "Yes, yes, eldest sister, my nephew and his daughter must have great fortunes. The students in our college all said that when their highnesses were born, the sky was filled with red clouds and their fragrance lasted for a long time." How many people in the past dynasties have had such a good omen? They are definitely very lucky."

Caiwei smiled and said: "It makes sense to say that the sky is filled with red clouds. They were all born at night. Aren't the sky filled with red clouds at night on weekdays? It's said that the fragrance lasts for a long time, but it doesn't matter. If There's a fragrance, why didn't I smell it? It's just a rumor spread by others and deliberately exaggerated. It can't be taken seriously. You are young and can't believe these witchcraft things."

With that said, he asked about Wen'er and Wu'er's homework. Wen'er and Wu'er are now studying in the Royal Academy. The husband knew that they were the biological brothers of the Queen, so he always favored them, and these two This little kid is also very ambitious, he studies very well, and he is also very low-key. He never shows off his power because his sister is the queen. Of course, this is also related to Mu Zhongqing's daily talk, otherwise, they At a young age, under the adulation of a large group of people, you might really lose yourself!

Du Shi also told Caiwei what to pay attention to during the confinement period. Although she knew Caiwei had a nanny here to watch, she would not make mistakes, but she still reminded Caiwei once. Caiwei was not impatient at all and listened carefully.

Caiwei also asked about the situation at home and asked why she didn't bring Die'er over. Who was watching her at home?

Mrs. Du said: "Today is the baptism ceremony for the children. It would be unlucky if she cried, so I didn't bring her here and kept her at home for Sister-in-law Liu to watch."

Feier looked at the palace maids and nuns coming in and out of the palace, and suddenly asked: "Sister, why haven't you seen the children's nanny? Why do you still need sister to take care of them personally?"

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