Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1594 Death of Nangong Yu (5)

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She looked at that cold face in horror, wondering what she wanted to do.

"Princess Chaoyang wants to ask who I am? Why did I trick you to come here!" The woman said coldly, as if she wanted to read Nangong Yu's thoughts: "I might as well tell you, I tricked you out today, I'm sending you on your way!"

After hearing this, Nangong Yu almost fell over. If it hadn't been for her acupuncture points, she would have been trembling now, because she could tell that this woman was definitely serious and didn't seem to be trying to scare her.

The woman turned behind her, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Today I used Mu Caifei's name to trick you out and kill you. Queen Mother Mo will definitely remember the pain of losing her daughter on Mu Caifei." Yes, she will take crazy revenge on the Mu family. When the time comes, the Dog Emperor will be in a dilemma and gradually turn against Mu Caiwei. As long as they kill each other, the general will have a chance!"

Nangong Yu was scared and frightened. At this time, she understood everything. This woman was a member of the former National Protector General Li Kaifeng. He wanted to use her death to sow discord between the emperor and the queen and make them kill each other.

However, even if she understood everything, it was already too late. The woman's hand had already been placed on the back of her heart, and her voice was as cold as ice on a cold day.

"The General protected the Dog Emperor when he ascended the throne. Not only were you not grateful, but you repaid the favor by poisoning our eldest lady, and finally killed her. Our General was also imprisoned and tortured by the Dog Emperor. You ungrateful people who repay kindness with hatred will definitely be punished..."

Nangong Yu could no longer hear the rest of the words. She felt a sharp sting, as if something had pierced her body and nailed her heart.


She spat out a mouthful of blood, flew out, and fell into the cold stream...

Her two maids stood dozens of meters away and looked at her. Under the moonlight, they saw the princess standing there with her back to them, as if talking to Mrs. Mo. Later, Mrs. Mo walked around to the princess. Behind her, she suddenly pushed hard and the princess fell into the stream!


The two maids shouted and ran towards Nangong Yu!

When they ran to the stream, they saw Nangong Yu lying face down and motionless in the stream. The two maids jumped into the water and yelled in despair to help her up, but they saw Nangong Yu's forehead was covered with tears. A protruding stone in the stream made a bloody hole, and blood gurgled down like spring water. The face was completely blurred by the blood, and the person had long since passed out.


The two maids were so frightened that they shouted and tried to stop her bleeding.

But the blood couldn't stop, it kept pouring out and dripping everywhere. A brave maid gritted her teeth, tore off a piece of cloth from her skirt, and hurriedly wrapped it around Nangong Yu's head. The bleeding was finally stopped, but Nangong Yu's There was no breath in his nose.


The maids cried in despair, crying heartbreakingly and heartbroken. It was not that they felt sorry for Nangong Yu, but that Nangong Yu was dead. As personal maids, if they were unable to protect their master, they would have no way to survive. Maybe they would still be alive. It affects the family.

Rather than doing this, it is better to go with the master so that the family can avoid punishment...

Nangong Yu's two maids who stayed in the palace finished boiling the water, cleaned the bathtub, and got everything ready. When they came out to call Nangong Yu, they found that she was no longer in the room. When the maids saw the two people waiting in the room, they also Moreover, the princess's cloak was gone. He just said that the princess had gone out, so he waited patiently for the princess to come back.

After two hours of waiting, the bonfire dinner was over and the princess had not returned yet. Only then did the two maids become anxious and search everywhere. But I searched all around the palace and couldn't find it.

The two maids panicked and hurried to find Empress Dowager Mo and told them about the missing princess.

When Empress Dowager Mo heard that Nangong Yu was missing, her face turned pale with fright. She immediately sent someone to notify the emperor and asked everyone in the hunting ground to get up and look for Nangong Yu.

It is said that there is strength in numbers, so all the guards, courtiers, and young ladies from the minister's family in the hunting ground mobilized. Two hours later, someone found a dead man with a broken head and bleeding by the stream less than two miles away from the palace. Princess Chaoyue for a long time.

Princess Chaoyue died miserably, her whole body was soaked, the blood stains on her forehead were blurred and her face was staring, her eyes were blood red, and she looked like she would not rest in peace.

Her two maids were beside her. One of them was hanging on a tree, staring with eyes and sticking out her tongue, and she was dead; the other had a bloody head and was lying under a big blood-stained tree. It seemed that he fainted after hitting a tree in an unsuccessful attempt to die.

When Empress Dowager Mo arrived at the scene, she discovered the tragic death of her beloved daughter. Her whole body collapsed, and her usual aloof image disappeared. She grabbed her hair and cried loudly, crying blood and wailing endlessly!

All the ministers and ladies knelt down and asked her to express their condolences, but Empress Dowager Mo couldn't listen and just cried loudly while holding Nangong Yu's body.

Nangong Yi felt extremely distressed when he saw Nangong Yu's miserable condition. Although Nangong Yu always disappointed him now, no matter what, she was his biological sister who he had loved since childhood. When the three of them depended on each other, he loved and doted on her so much, always thinking about her, and doing his best to protect her from the poison of Concubine Jin.

Unexpectedly, after finally getting rid of Concubine Jin, he ruled the world and took charge of the country, but his sister died, and she died so miserably that he couldn't accept it no matter what!

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