Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1595 Mo Ziqi protects his wife (1)

The fourth watch has passed, and the main hall of the palace is brightly lit. The candlelight dances on the rows of candlesticks, making the hall look like daylight. Nangong Yi was sitting behind a rosewood imperial table carved with mother-of-pearl and agate. He was still wearing the same riding attire as he had during the day. He had changed from his gentle and cheerful appearance during the day. His handsome face was extremely gloomy, with a hint of gloominess. A fierce look that can destroy the world at any time.

Her sister died inexplicably, and Nangong Yi felt distressed and furious. Empress Dowager Mo had passed out from crying twice, and every time she woke up, she was in agony and looking for death. In addition to his grief, he ordered Dali Temple to investigate the matter strictly. If he did not find out clearly, he would stay awake and have to get to the bottom of the matter.

At this time, a eunuch came in and reported cautiously: "Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Yao has just sent someone to report that Lan'er has woken up."

Lan'er was one of the maids that Nangong Yu took to the stream, and she was the one who failed to die by hitting the tree. Maybe because she was not strong enough or the tree was not strong enough, she only knocked herself unconscious but did not die. Now in With the full rescue efforts of Yuan Juan Yao, he woke up.

Hearing this, Nangong Yi had a stern look in his eyes: "Now that she's awake, what are you talking about? Bring her here for me!"

"Yes!" Eunuch Nuonuo retreated.

After a while, Lan'er, with her head wrapped in gauze, was carried in by two eunuchs. Doctor Yao followed behind them, holding a silver needle in his hand in case of emergency.

When Lan'er saw Nangong Yi on the stretcher, she was so frightened that she could only tremble. She was unable to protect her master, and she would definitely have no way out. She just begged the emperor not to anger her family.

Before the emperor could ask questions, Lan'er cried: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's none of the slaves' business. It's not that the slaves don't protect the princess. It's the princess. Otherwise, the slaves should go over. It's Mrs. Mo who wants to talk to her alone, so the slaves are allowed to go." Waiting from afar..."

As he spoke, he cried and recounted what happened last night.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Ziqi, who had been accompanying him in the hall, came out and said: "Your Majesty, this servant is talking nonsense. Fei'er is kind and innocent in nature, and she has always been timid and cowardly. How could she kill someone? Please, Your Majesty, please investigate this matter and return it to me." Mayfair is innocent."

After listening to what Mo Ziqi said, Lan'er was afraid that the emperor would put the blame on her, so she hurriedly got up from the stretcher and shouted: "I didn't lie. Your Majesty can ask the girl next to Mrs. Mo to come over and confront me." , that girl was wearing a lotus-colored jacket yesterday, with a water-blue Hunan silk skirt underneath, the emperor only needs to send someone to check!"

Lan'er was referring to Yingchun, the girl who went to invite Nangong Yu yesterday. Before Nangong Yu could speak, she heard an angry shout from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, since there are already witnesses, why don't you grab that poisonous woman Mu Caifei, drag her down and chop her in half to pay tribute to Yu'er's spirit in heaven!"

Before the words were spoken, Empress Dowager Mo had already barged in. Over the course of one night, the once noble, cold and arrogant Empress Dowager seemed to be a completely different person. Her face was pale and swollen, her hair was disheveled and dry, and her bloodshot eyes were extremely red and swollen. Hatred is burning inside!

When the ministers accompanying the main hall saw Queen Mother Mo, they hurriedly bowed down. Mo Ziqi also knelt down and kowtowed: "The Queen Mother clearly knows that Fei'er did not do this. I am willing to guarantee it with my life." There must be a misunderstanding."


Empress Dowager Mo sneered bitterly: "Mo Ziqi, Yu'er has always been in love with you during his lifetime. If not for this, I would not have mentioned to you repeatedly that you should marry Yu'er. Mu Caifei must have been resentful because of this. I was afraid that Yu'er would really marry her and split her favor, so I took this opportunity to kill her. I'm really pitiful for my silly daughter. She has loved you all her life, and now she has died for you. Not only are you not sad at all, You still protect the murderer at every turn, Mo Ziqi, you really let me down!"

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