Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1610: The injustice is over (5)

Speaking of which, the women of the Du family are promising. Not only the Yan family of Liaodan is the daughter of the Du family, but the future Yan family of Mengnu is also from the Du family. Although the empress of Jin Dynasty is not surnamed Du, she also has a quarrel with the Du family. The relationship between broken bones and tendons, otherwise, the Du family had committed the serious crime of causing rebellion and could not have been simply exiled. It must have been the Queen's dealings that allowed their family to escape death and spend the rest of their lives in Mennu!

One evening two months later, in the cold spring of the north, a maroon horse galloped on a wide official road. On the horse's back, an exhausted young man held the reins tightly, whipping the horse's body, heading towards the city. Come running.

The man has been traveling for a year. During this year, he spent most of his time in Qingluo Kingdom. However, during the Lantern Festival, when he saw the crown prince of Qingluo Kingdom and his princess drinking at a stall, Tea, the prince tasted the tea poured by the vendor himself, and gave it to the princess after he felt it was not hot. After the princess drank the tea, the prince personally wiped her mouth, helped to tidy up her cloak, and put on her hat. He knew that, I'm done for, there's nothing left to do.

Wanyan Jingchen loves Xiangyun, he loves her to the core. As a man, he can understand the deep love in Wanyan Jingchen's eyes. There is no one in his eyes, only the smiling and satisfied little woman in front of him, and that little woman , was once his, but will never come back to him again.

That night, he left Qingluo Kingdom and began to travel around, like a shell without a soul and no goal. He just went wherever he went. Now, he came to this place, which is the outskirts of Qing County, Bianzhou Prefecture. In four or five miles, we can reach the county seat of Qingxian County. His horse has been running for a day and is already exhausted. He is also very tired and wants to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

After running for a while, he suddenly saw a temple in front of him. The temple was not big, covering an area of ​​about one acre. It was deserted. There was not even a person in front of the temple, and it seemed that the temple was not very popular.

Mo Zili was very tired and wanted to go in and rest for a while. After dismounting, he tied the horse under the poplar tree next to the temple and walked towards the temple.

"Bodhisattva, please protect the dead eunuch from being struck by lightning. Well...if you think killing is not good, just protect him from being a eunuch in his next life..."

In the main hall of the temple, a young girl knelt in front of the Bodhisattva statue and prayed devoutly. When Mo Zili heard this, his feet stumbled and he almost fell to the ground.

At this time, he heard another girl's voice, like that of a maid: "Miss, we really don't have to come here every day to curse Eunuch Liu, and in order to show your sincerity in praying to the Bodhisattva, you didn't even sit in the car. , walking back and forth for several miles every day is really tiring!"

The girl who was kneeling on the ground put the incense in her hand into the incense burner and turned around. The solemn and pious look on her face was no longer there. She raised her head, looked at the sky in the distance, and said quietly: "But If I don't curse him, I really feel uneasy, especially recently, when I have been tossing and turning."

"But Miss, is it really effective that you are working so hard to curse every day? We have been cursing for three months, but we have not received news that Eunuch Liu was struck to death by lightning. Moreover, it is spring, how can there be thunder?" "

The woman glanced at the maid and said, "Of course I know it's useless."

"Then you still..." The maid opened her mouth in shock, really not understanding the young lady's thinking.

The woman said calmly: "He is a popular person around the Queen and a guest of my father. Can we beat him?"

"No!" The maid said matter-of-factly.

"Can I get back at him?"


"So, how should I express my resentment?"

The maid said with a sad face: "Miss, Mr. Liu just likes to laugh. You really don't need to mind so much."

"Loves to laugh? Why doesn't he smile when introducing others to him? Why do he smile like that when he introduces me, Shen Juhua? My parents also think that he is a popular person around the Queen, and He's a eunuch, so he doesn't have so many taboos for me to eat at the same table as them. I don't dislike him, but he laughs at me?"

Thinking of the scene when she first met Liu Xi, Juhua couldn't help but clenched her fists and was so angry that she died.

That abominable dead eunuch, who originally greeted her seriously, became extremely unnatural when he heard her name. His face was distorted as if he had held in shit. In the end, he couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst out laughing "hahaha", laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. Is her name that funny?

Chrysanthemum, what an elegant word. The fragrant chrysanthemums bloom in the forest, and the green pines crown the rocks; the cold flowers have all bloomed, and the chrysanthemum stamens are alone on the branches. Such a noble and elegant flower, he is a dead eunuch, do you understand?

What was even more hateful was that every time he saw her in the future, he would look like he was holding it in, as if she was so funny. There were also a few times when he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, which really pissed her off!

Outside the door, listening to the conversation between the master and the servant, the corners of Mo Zili's mouth twitched and turned into stone in the wind...

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