Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1611 A chance encounter in Qing County (1)

After Shen Juhua finished praying, she no longer looked as pious as before. She smiled and said to the maid: "Xiao Kui, let's go!"

"Yes, miss!"

Xiaokui put on a sad face, packed her things, and walked out with the young lady carrying a basket. As soon as I walked to the door, I saw a strange man standing there with a dusty face, staring at the lady with a stunned look. His expression seemed to be shock, excitement, pain and depression. In short, it was complicated. very!

When Xiaokui saw this, she thought she had met a traitor, so she hurriedly stood in front of the young lady and shouted at Mo Zili: "Who are you? How dare you be so unreasonable? Do you know that my young lady is the daughter of the county magistrate? If If my boss finds out that you dare to stare at my young lady, my boss will definitely dig out your eyes..."

"Xiao Kui!"

Juhua stopped her and said seriously: "There should be no noise in front of the Buddhist hall. If the Bodhisattva hears that we have violated the precepts and does not help us, our three months of running away will be in vain..."

After saying that, he waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Let's go." He walked out and didn't care about Mo Zili's complicated and deep eyes.

Seeing her like this, Xiaokui glared at Mo Zili fiercely and said, "I've got an advantage this time, so be careful, huh..." As she said that, she trotted after Shen Juhua.

At the door of the temple hall, Mo Zili was still stunned, staring blankly at Shen Juhua's back. That pretty figure inadvertently overlapped with another shadow, making him unable to take his eyes away...

The county magistrate's daughter...

He vaguely remembered that his family had once told him about this person. He was a friend of the Queen, and he was indeed very similar to her. He looked similar, and his personality was more like...


It is as bustling as ever. On the ancient streets, people of all kinds are shuttled back and forth, on horseback, in cars, on foot, and in sedan chairs. People in different costumes include people from Dajin, Liaodan, and Mengnu. Everyone walked leisurely on the street, feeling the bustling street and the early spring air. There were all kinds of shops on the street, including small two-story buildings in the Jin Dynasty, tents in the Liao and Dan style, and more. There are small stalls outside, which are noisy and interesting...

Mo Zili led his horse and wandered on the streets of Qingxian County. After running around for a day, he was hungry and was going to find a restaurant to have something to eat. Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar figure broke into his field of vision.

The woman wearing a lotus-colored gown and a purple-red brocade cloak embroidered with gold and silver threads was taking the maid named Xiaokui into an inconspicuous small shop. Mo Zili walked towards the shop. I looked at the shop and saw three big red characters written on the plaque of that shop - Malatang!

The shop's appearance is small, but business is booming. People are constantly coming in and out. Judging by their clothes, the customers tend to be middle- and lower-class people.

Mo Zili is a young master of the Hou family and has never eaten in a small shop of this level. But today, by some strange combination of circumstances, he tied his horse and walked into that shop.

As soon as he entered, a strange aroma hit his nostrils, which aroused people's appetite. He looked inside and saw baskets of vegetables, vermicelli and small tofu cubes on the counter of the shop. , potato slices, sweet potato slices, etc...

The daughter of the county magistrate was holding a bamboo tong to put vegetables into a small bamboo basket. While doing so, he threatened the girl next to him: "You are not allowed to stop me. I must eat to my heart's content today before going back." Whoever stops me is in a hurry!"

Xiaokui timidly said: "But, miss, my wife won't let you show your face in crowded places. It's not good to be seen..."

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