Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1612 A chance encounter in Qing County (2)

Shen Juhua made a "cut" sound and said disdainfully: "What if it's exposed? Look at your lady, am I missing a hair or a piece of flesh, eh?"

After saying that, he brought his little baby face closer, almost touching Xiaokui's face.

Xiaokui said helplessly: "Then eat quickly. If you go back too late, my wife will scold me..."

"Hey, don't worry, as long as I'm here, Mom won't make things difficult for you!"

While she was talking, Juhua had already filled a small basket full of vegetables, passed the small basket behind the counter, and said to the old man behind the counter with a smile: "Uncle, help me boil a large bowl of noodles, add more chili peppers, peppercorns, and sesame paste." If you put a little less, it will become..."

Seeing that Xiaokui was still there with a gloomy look on her face, Juhua threatened again: "Hurry up and choose your food, or I will eat yours when mine is finished first."

When Xiaokui heard this, she was startled. She quickly lowered her head and put vegetables into her little basket...

After threatening the girl, Juhua turned around and walked to her seat. After taking a few steps, she suddenly found a strange man looking at her intently. She had just seen this man at the temple gate. He was tall, handsome, and looked lonely. He looked lonely, and although he looked at her intently, he didn't look like a bad person.

Juhua was startled for a moment and touched her face, wondering if there was a black patch on her face. This man had just looked at her blankly at the temple gate, and now he looked like this again. Is there anything wrong with her face?

When Mo Zili saw her looking over, he quickly turned his eyes away and turned his head in a panic.

At first sight, I just thought she looked a bit similar to her. They both had round faces with a little baby fat, big round eyes, and a small nose with a slightly turned tip. They were about the same body shape and age. Also similar.

After listening to her way of doing things, he felt that their personalities were even more similar. They were both lively and cheerful, so cute!

After Xiaokui finished picking up the vegetables, she handed the basket to the counter and said, "Uncle, I just want a small bowl of hand-pulled noodles, not spicy or spicy." After saying that, she took out her purse and counted thirty coins carefully. in front of me and placed it on the counter.

When she turned around, she saw Mo Zili standing aside with sharp eyes. Seeing that he was staring at the young lady again, she immediately became alert, glared at him fiercely, walked quickly to the chrysanthemum table, and whispered: "Miss, have you seen that person? He is the guy we saw at the temple gate just now. He must have followed us. Look, she is staring at you. She may be trying to get your idea. Should I go out and call someone?"

Juhua held her forehead and said: "Xiaokui, whether it is a temple or here, they are public places, not our mansion. You are allowed to leave, maybe someone else left, so as long as they don't say anything excessive to us, you don't need to make a fuss." That's right, besides, I'm not Caiwei, and I don't have the beauty to conquer a country, so no one will have evil intentions towards me!"

Their voices were very low, but Mo Zili was a martial arts practitioner and his ears were better than ordinary people. Besides, he deliberately eavesdropped on their conversation, so their conversation was transmitted to him word for word. in the ears.

In order to prevent them from being suspicious of him, Mo Zili turned his eyes away, followed her example, picked up the bamboo tongs and small bamboo basket hanging above the counter, and went to pick up the vegetables on the counter. The counter was connected to the kitchen, and was A door curtain was opened, and when the door curtain was raised, a kind-hearted mother-in-law came out of the kitchen, holding a huge sea bowl in her hand, and shouted: "Miss Shen, your noodles are ready!"

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