Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1630 Competition (4)

In the box, Duke Fu was heartbroken and embarrassed when he saw his son bleeding profusely. Before, his son was shouting and arrogant, but in the end, he was beaten to the ground within three or five strokes, leaving only It’s just a matter of wailing and shouting, the Fuguo Duke’s mansion is now completely embarrassed!

Seeing that her precious golden grandson had suffered a huge loss, Mrs. Jing couldn't sit still for a long time. She ordered her servants in a series of voices: "Quickly, go and stop the bleeding of the prince... Also, hold on to the rootless one." Eunuch, don't let him run away..."

As he spoke, he held the girl's hand and walked out tremblingly, with Duke Fu following behind. His heart was anxious and painful. He was afraid that my mother would be frightened, that something might happen to his son, and that he would feel embarrassed in front of so many colleagues. face….

On the stage, Liu Xi held his sword, hugged his fists at Jing Shizi who fell on the ground, and said humbly: "Jing Shizi, I accept it!"

Jing Shizi's arm was twisted and dislocated, and an artery was cut in his arm. The blood flow continued, and half of his life was gone. He couldn't care about fighting with Liu Xi. He just held his arm intently and screamed repeatedly. .

"Okay, Liu Xi likes it!"

In the private room on the second floor, a clear and sweet voice sounded. When someone followed the sound, they saw that it was in the private room of Duke Li Guo's mansion. A young man was leaning on the railing and applauding vigorously.

The young master looked about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was wearing a splendid robe and an eight-piece azurite flowered Japanese satin rowed jacket. The eldest son, Mo Zijing, pulled him inside.

Mo Shuya said dissatisfied: "Dad, what are you doing to pull me? Look at Liu Xi beating that Prince Jing, making him cry like a ghost, howl like a wolf, and urinate like shit. It's really a relief!"

Mo Zijing said: "I shouldn't have brought you out. Look at you. It's just a daughter's house. It's okay to dress like a man. You have to go outside and show your face, lest others don't know that you are disguised as a man." ."

Mo Shuya pouted and said, "I just can't stand Jing Shizi's arrogant look. Besides, Liu Xi is from the Empress, and the Empress' people are from our family." , if he can win, my daughter will naturally be happy!"

Not only Mo Shuya was happy, but all the ladies in the Girls' School were also happy for him. When they learned that Liu Xi was competing with Jing Shizi today, almost all the girls in the Girls' School came to cheer him on.

Liu Xi has unique ideas, elegant tastes, humor, and kindness. He has a high prestige in the academy and is very popular and loved by the ladies. In today's terms, they are all his fans. Liu Xi defeated Jing Shizi, and the ladies were all excited. They wished they could be like Mo Shuya, who ran out and shouted: "Okay!"

Seeing that Liu Xi had won the battle, Caiwei was also very happy. She got up and left the private room, thinking of going backstage to congratulate him. When she went out, she happened to see Ning Huaixiu, the daughter of Prime Minister Ning, coming out of the private room.

As early as half a year ago, Ning Huaixiu fell seriously ill in the palace and almost died. After she recovered, Caiwei issued an order to send her back to the Prime Minister's Mansion. After a few months in the palace, Miss Ning's state of mind was different from before. An earth-shaking change has taken place. Now, she cherishes the peaceful and peaceful days without worries about food and clothing. As for other things, she never thinks about them again!

Seeing Caiwei, Miss Ning hurried forward to greet her. Although her life in the palace was not good, the queen treated her well. If it were not for the queen, she would never have the chance to see her parents again in her life, let alone When the opportunity comes to leave the palace, I can only hide in a corner of the deep palace, gradually withering and getting old.

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