Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1631 Competition (5)

"Chen Nu Ginseng..."

Before she could lean down, Caiwei had already grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "I came out incognito, Miss Ning. You're welcome."

Ning Huaixiu stood up and looked behind Caiwei. Seeing that she only brought Meng Huaian out, she couldn't help but worry and said: "My queen came out incognito, why didn't you bring a few more people? At least take Miss Huanqiu with you." , there are so many people here, what if the assassins and gang members get mixed in, and the queen's body is injured?"

Caiwei smiled and said slightly arrogantly: "If a mere assassin and a gangster could hurt me, I would have lost my life as the queen. Don't worry, there is no one in the world who can hurt me." There are not many people left!"

Just as he was talking, an old voice suddenly came from downstairs: "Bold eunuch, my grandson is the prince of the Fuguo Palace appointed by the emperor. You, eunuch, are just a slave. How dare you hurt people with your sword?" ?"

When Caiwei heard this, she immediately frowned and winked at Meng Huaian behind her. Meng Huaian understood and hurried down to help Liu Xi out.

"Miss Ning, go and do your work. I just came out to get some fresh air. It's time to go back!" Caiwei originally wanted to talk to Miss Ning for a while, but because she was thinking about Liu Xi, she dismissed her and went back to the box. Wait and see.

The competition was over. Liu Xi had originally prepared two plays and wanted to invite everyone to watch them after the competition. Unexpectedly, before he could step down, the old lady of Fu Guogong's Mansion came down from upstairs in a menacing manner and said evil words. They looked at each other, looking like they were going to tear him apart.

He calmly looked at the angry old lady and said softly: "The old lady is old, so it's better to keep some virtue on your lips, lest the gods see you and recruit you early!"

This curse word without any curse words made Mrs. Jing almost furious. She was in a hurry to see her grandson, but after hearing his words, she forgot to walk and stood on the ground, stroking her chest and pointing at Liu Xi. He said in disbelief: "You...what did you say? How dare you be so rude to me?"

Liu Xi said calmly: "If you are disrespectful, how can you expect others to respect you?"

The old lady of Fu Guogong has been in a high position all her life. She has been held up and respected by others and worshiped as an old lady. She has never been so wronged. Today, she was slapped in the face in front of everyone. The old lady is angry and ashamed. , almost angry to death.

When Duke Fu saw that his mother was angry, he couldn't help but darken his face and said to Liu Xi: "Eunuch Liu, please be careful what you say!"

Liu Xi said unambiguously: "Young Master, you should first control your own family's mouth, and then control others. People will humiliate themselves and others. Liu Xi still said the same thing, I never use my power to bully others, and I will never allow it." Others bully me for no reason!"

The old lady was so angry at Liu Xi. Seeing that Liu Xi didn't even give him the honor of being the Duke of Fu, she cursed indiscriminately: "Bah! You are just a rootless slave and a bitch. What qualifications do you have to be equal to us? You Are they considered human beings?"

"Eunuchs are human beings too. They are born from human beings. They also speak human language and eat human food."

Liu Xi spoke calmly, with no emotion on his face: "Those who look down on eunuchs should show their skills and don't lose at the hands of eunuchs. If you can't even compare to eunuchs, wouldn't it mean that you shouldn't even be a human being?" ?"

Everyone present could hear this insinuation. It was a mockery of Jing Shizi who was not even as good as a eunuch and was not worthy of being a human being.

In a short period of time, Liu Xi first hurt Prince Jing, then scolded Mrs. Jing angrily, and ridiculed Duke Fu. He had offended several important figures in Duke Fu's palace.

Mrs. Jing was used to being domineering. She was afraid that her grandson would suffer a loss today, so she brought in many more servants. When she saw that her son, grandson and she were both slapped in the face by Liu Xi in public, she couldn't swallow this, so she shouted angrily. , called out the servants he had brought with him, and ordered them all to beat Liu Xi to death.

The old lady always kept her word when she was at home. When she gave the order, the servants who followed immediately rolled up their sleeves and went to the stage to beat people.

The audience in the audience were all high-ranking officials and ministers, and there were also many young masters from ministers' families. Seeing that a fight was about to start, everyone hurriedly stood up to persuade them.

"Old madam, please calm down. You are a dignified second-class lady. Why do you need to be as knowledgeable as a eunuch?"

"Yes, old lady, they are all physically disabled. Even my ancestors can't tolerate them. They are pitiful enough. You should be more generous and don't be like him..."

"Yes, given your status, it won't sound good if you compete with a eunuch..."

In the audience, everyone was talking happily. These words were passed into Liu Xi's ears word for word. Liu Xi stayed on the stage for a moment, then turned and left...

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