Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1632 Can it grow out (1)

Caiwei looked at Liu Xi's disappearing back and was lost for a moment.

In his previous life, he was such an outstanding person, but in this life he was reborn as a eunuch. This humiliating status that cannot be changed is so painful for a man with great ambitions. He always looks cynical and indifferent, but after knowing him for many years, she understands him. Although he feels deeply humiliated, he will not expose his weakness and helplessness in front of others. He will only lick him silently when no one is around. Lick your wounds and release your pain.

Hey, if only his missing parts could regenerate like earthworms! Caiwei thought.

When Mrs. Jing saw Liu Xi leaving quietly, she shouted reluctantly: "Eunuch, don't run away..."

After shouting, he turned around and scolded his slaves: "Are all your slaves dead? Why don't you go and beat that eunuch to death..."

When the family members heard that the old lady asked Liu Xi to be beaten again, they hurriedly ran to the stage, trying to catch Liu Xi and beat him up.

During the commotion, a sinister sneer suddenly came from the noisy crowd: "Hey, the old lady is so grand!"

The voice was high-pitched and thin, somewhere between a man and a woman. It sounded like the voice of a eunuch.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that at the top of the stairs, the eunuch Meng Huaian, who was next to Queen Mu, walked in wearing casual clothes, with a beardless white face and a smile.

Unlike Liu Xi, Meng Huaian never left the palace. Now that he has come out, it is enough to prove that the Queen must be here too, but she just didn't show up!

In the Jin Dynasty, everyone from the first-class ministers to the peddlers and pawns knew that the emperor was henpecked. Therefore, to a certain extent, everyone feared the empress more than the emperor. When Duke Fu saw Meng Huaian, With a malicious look on his face, he felt timid and said with a smile, "Eunuch Meng, this is all a misunderstanding. Please listen to me..."

"What are you talking about? The Za family saw with their own eyes that Mr. Fu Guo indulged the slaves and intended to beat the queen's servants. They say that beating a dog depends on the owner. Is Fu Guo Gong trying to show off to the Queen?"

Meng Huaian interrupted Duke Fu's words, with a smile on his lips, but a layer of ice formed in his eyes, which made people feel scared just looking at him.

Being slapped with such a big label, Duke Fu panicked and said hurriedly: "My father-in-law has misunderstood. The slaves are not here to beat Eunuch Liu. The dog is still on the stage. The slaves are there to carry the dog down." hehe…."

After that, he shouted to the servants who had climbed up to the stage: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you bring the prince down quickly!"

The servants in the house were clever. After hearing what the Duke said, they hurriedly yelled down the hill like a donkey: "Quick, come here and help the prince up..."

Jing Shizi's arm had just been bandaged, and the dislocated arm was also reattached. A group of domestic slaves carried him out in a hurry. He had an artery cut and was bleeding too much. He was so weak that he couldn't say anything. , her pale lips trembled, and she fought hard not to faint.

When Mrs. Jing saw her grandson in such a mess, she was so distressed that her heart broke out. She yelled, "My good grandson was still alive and kicking when he came here. In the blink of an eye, he was injured like this. I'm like this." Just hand the sign to the palace to meet the queen and ask the queen, does the queen care whether Liu Xi, that bitch and a slave, took advantage of his power and provoked and stabbed my grandson of the Duke of Fuguo?"

Hearing this, Meng Huaian sneered and said: "When the old lady said this, she must be suspected of being the first to complain! From the beginning to the end, the Za family could see clearly that it was Jing Shizi who drew the sword first. Eunuch Liu didn't bring any weapons to stab the person. Moreover, Eunuch Liu didn't provoke Prince Jing for no reason. Last year, Prince Jing humiliated Eunuch Liu in public and forced Eunuch Liu to suffer the humiliation of his crotch. Everyone in the capital was shocked. Everyone knows it, is it only the old lady who hasn’t heard about it?"

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