Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1634 Death of Queen Mother Mo (1)

Such a tragic murder occurred on the street, and people from Yingtian Mansion arrived quickly. At the same time, several courtiers from the Hongyun Theater passed by, saw Caiwei, and hurriedly came to pay their respects.

"Your Majesty, your escort arrived late, and your Majesty was frightened!"

Caiwei was not frightened. A few assassins could not scare her. She just felt sorry for Meng Huaian and the coachman, the two innocent people who lost their lives.

"I have already identified the murderer. There is no need for you to bother arresting him. Just help me bury them both properly..."


The head catcher of Yingtian Mansion and several ministers who rushed over responded in unison.

They didn't know how the Empress identified the murderer, but seeing how the murder scene in front of them was so tragic and how the Empress was still unscathed and so calm, they knew that the Empress must have extraordinary abilities, and they all felt for Caiwei without realizing it. Awe.

She deserves to be called the Queen, she is very capable!

Caiwei's carriage was broken and she could not make the trip. Mo Zijing, the eldest son of the Liguo Palace, gave up his carriage. The other courtiers sent out their bodyguards to escort Caiwei back to the palace in a grand manner. .

Sitting in the car, Caiwei contacted Yingge with her mind: "Where are those assassins? See who they are in contact with? Keep an eye on them, don't let them escape."

Yingge said: "Master, these people left the city and went outside the city. I don't know where they went. I am following them."

"Keep following them and keep an eye on them!"

Caiwei ordered that for some reason, she had a subtle premonition that these people were probably the same group as those who assassinated Chao Yue, but why did they want to assassinate Chao Yue? Why did he want to assassinate her? Who is controlling them?

Along the way, she kept thinking hard, and unknowingly arrived at the palace gate. As a rule, the carriages of ministers were not allowed to enter the palace. After arriving at the palace gate, Caiwei got out of the car and waited for a ride at the palace gate. The soft sedan carried her to the royal study.

It was already noon, but Caiwei didn't feel hungry at all. The tragic scene of Meng Huaian and the coachman's death always appeared in front of her, especially the nameless coachman with his head missing, which made her lose her appetite at all.

However, even if she had no appetite, she still had to go and cook for the children. It was already noon, and the few little buns in the space would have been hungry. If Changmei hadn't picked a lot of fresh fruits for them, and squeezed If the bison's milk was given to them to drink, they would have rebelled!

After entering the imperial study room, Caiwei was about to hide in the tent and then enter the space, but she saw Chunliu running toward her with red eyes from crying. When he saw her, he didn't even care about etiquette. He grabbed her hand and cried. : "Your Majesty, something bad has happened. Just now someone came from the Empress Dowager's Palace and said that the Empress Dowager... is dead!"


Caiwei's body swayed and she said in disbelief: "Say it again? What's wrong with the Queen Mother?"

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother is dead!"

Chunliu knelt down and said while crying: "Someone from Jade Kun Palace just reported that you had a quarrel with the Queen Mother this morning. The Queen Mother got angry, and then she felt unwell and went to bed, and then she never came back." Wake up and say yes... say yes... you are so angry..."

Caiwei's heart suddenly sank, and she was shocked by this statement. She did have a quarrel with Queen Mother Mo in the morning, and she did make Queen Mother Mo very angry. However, she never expected that she would be angry to death. It's over now. Nangong Yi will never forgive her.

She bit her lip and subconsciously looked at the imperial case. She saw several memorials scattered in disorder on the imperial case, and the golden ink pen also fell to the ground. It turned out that the owner of the case had bumped into it when he left in a panic. The case was dropped...

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