Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1635 Death of Queen Mother Mo (2)

Chunliu sobbed and cried: "Empress, please think of a trick, the emperor must be angry..."

Caiwei moved her body stiffly and sat down on a chair under the imperial desk, her mind buzzing with confusion.

Queen Mother Mo is already dead, what tricks can she come up with?

For more than half a year, because of Chaoyue's murder, Queen Mother Mo suffered from heartache and often fainted and went into shock. In modern times, this disease is a heart disease. She cannot stand stimulation, fright, or anger. She clearly knows this. , but couldn't hold back his temper and made her angry to death!

At this time, Caiwei really regretted it. Why did she have to compete with her? Wouldn't it be over if she just gave in? Now, Nangong Yi will definitely hate her, and there will be an irreparable rift between them.

I don't know how long I had been doing it, but suddenly the cry of a child came from the space, waking Caiwei up.

Several buns were hungry, so she didn't care much and hurriedly walked into the house. As she walked, she said, "I'm tired. Let's sleep for a while. No one is allowed to disturb me."

No matter how big something happens, even if the sky falls, for her, her children must still come first.

After entering the space, she got busy. She broke off a few ears of tender corn, ground them into pulp, beat in a few wild eggs, chopped some green onions and cooked shrimps, stirred them evenly, and cooked a pot of shrimp and polenta porridge.

Fresh corn, newly laid wild eggs, and freshly cooked shrimps make this pot of polenta fill the entire space with a fragrant aroma!

After it was cooked, Caiwei poured the porridge back and forth in several small pots to cool it down, and let the three babies eat it by themselves with spoons.

The little guys are now more than nine months old. Because they often stay in the space, they have been trained to eat by themselves. They are holding the small silver spoons given to them by Caiwei's order, and they are fragrant. Eat up.

Caiwei looked at the three lovely children and felt a sense of bitterness in her heart.

Since the birth of the child, the five of them have eaten together in the space every day. She has cooked all the meals. Nangong Yi occasionally comes to help her. The meals she cooks are delicious. The father and son are often eaten. It lasted until she complained for a while, but she felt extremely sweet inside...

It’s just that I don’t know if such warm days will happen again in the future...

The children are still very young and their movements are not very coordinated. When they eat porridge with a spoon, they often spill it and the food is everywhere. Caiwei holds the handkerchief and patiently wipes their mouths and hands, waiting for them to finish eating. , and took them into the bedroom to rest.

The babies were very well-behaved and had a regular schedule. After eating, they fell asleep one by one without being patted by their mother.

Looking at their sleeping faces, Caiwei kissed each of them and said softly: "For you, mother will never let our family break up..."

After changing her clothes, she left the space and took Chunliu and Xiaozhi to the Jade Kun Palace of Empress Dowager Mo. Before approaching Jade Kun Palace, I heard a heartbreaking cry from a distance.

"The Queen Mother, please come back..."

"The Queen Mother, please have a safe journey..."

Chunliu suddenly became nervous after hearing this tone. She looked at Caiwei uneasily, her little face full of worry.

Caiwei smiled bitterly and patted her hand, indicating that she was fine and reassuring her.

In fact, at this moment, she was more uneasy than anyone else. They were originally the closest lovers, but now, she was the indirect murderer of his mother. She didn't know how to face him.

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