Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1649 Wanyan Jingchen’s Promise (1)

The waiting time is always long and unbearable. Outside the mourning hall, everyone holds their breath and stares in the direction of the mourning hall for a moment. Those who are close enough to enter open their eyes and ears; those who are far away stretch their necks and try their best. Looking around.

Not long after, all the ladies in the mourning hall heard a collective intake of breath, as if something shocking had happened, followed immediately by the emperor's furious roar.

Caiwei stood at the door and heard the man roaring sadly like a wounded beast. She immediately understood what was going on. She was about to go in to take a look and comfort him, but she saw that he was wearing a cold air. , swept out, and arrived in front of Bai Zhi in an instant.

"Bitch, I'll kill you----"

Nangong Yi yelled, stretched out his hand and pinched Bai Zhi's neck, squeezing her tightly, wishing he could crush her to death!

Bai Zhi's throat was strangled and she couldn't breathe. Her face turned purple from the suffocation, her eyes rolled up, and she was about to be strangled to death.

Caiwei hurriedly stepped forward and said softly: "Your Majesty, calm down. If Bai Zhi is strangled to death, there will be no way of knowing who was behind the murder of the princess and the Queen Mother!"

Caiwei's gentle words made Nangong Yi gradually regain his senses. The scarlet redness and mania in his eyes slowly faded away, and the veins popping out on his forehead slowly returned to their original state. He slowly let go of his hand, Bai Zhi slowly slipped from his palm and fell to the ground, coughing hard...

"Your Majesty, calm down, your health is important!"

In front of everyone, Caiwei couldn't say too many words of concern, so she had to choose two words of relief for the scene, but they were really said sincerely.

When Nangong Yi heard Caiwei's gentle voice and saw her distressed eyes, his furious and painful heart gradually calmed down.

The ladies in the mourning hall came out, all of them with solemn expressions, and there were a few soft-tempered ones who kept wiping their tears with handkerchiefs.

Princess Jing'an came out holding a lacquered tray and said loudly: "My lords, Your Majesty just used your internal force to suck out two silver needles from the heart of the Queen Mother. It was these two needles that killed the Queen Mother. Please Everyone, take a look!"

At this time, all the courtiers present knew what was going on. It turned out that the Queen Mother was really like the Queen Mother said - she was killed by someone!

After being shocked, everyone lowered their heads, feeling regretful and guilty. They had no independent opinion, listened to Prime Minister Ning's words, and followed him indiscriminately to force the emperor to depose the queen. This time, the emperor and the queen must have been greatly offended. !

The princess passed the trays in her hands one by one. When everyone saw the three-inch-long silver needles in the tray, which shone with cold light, they all changed their minds in vain. They were saddened by the death of the Queen Mother, and even more recklessly forced the palace. Be responsible for your behavior!

When Prime Minister Ning saw it, he almost jumped up as if he had been bitten by a snake. He pointed at Bai Zhi, who was lying on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "Demon girl... you are really the one who harmed the Queen Mother... You are a poisonous woman who has misled people." Not shallow!"

After saying that, he knelt down with a bang in the direction of the mourning hall and cried loudly: "The Queen Mother, I can't help you. I am confused. I thought that Angelica dahurica was your close confidant, so I mistakenly believed her words. I have wronged the Queen and caused His Majesty trouble and distress. I am guilty..."

These words seemed to be addressed to Empress Dowager Mo, but in fact they were meant for Nangong Yi and Cai Wei. They wanted to pass all the blame on Bai Zhi, pretend to be innocent, and use tears to gain sympathy, so that they could get away with it.

After hearing what he said, the other ministers also knelt down one after another and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am guilty. I was confused. I misunderstood the Prime Minister's words and wronged the Queen. Please, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me." Condemned!"

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