Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1650 Wanyan Jingchen’s Promise (2)

Hearing this, Nangong Yi raised his eyes, looked coldly at the ministers kneeling on the ground, and said: "I have said before that this matter has not been clarified yet, so it is not easy to draw a conclusion. You guys are indiscriminate and insist on your own way. Although I am loyal to the Empress Dowager, but my sin of wronging my mother and coercing my father is unforgivable!"

Caiwei heard that Nangong Yi's voice was stern and his eyes were cruel and cruel, fearing that he would punish everyone severely. Most of the civil and military officials in the dynasty were here at the moment. If everyone was punished severely, half of the Jin Dynasty would be shaken.

Fearing that Nangong Yi would do something drastic in order to stand up for her, Caiwei hurriedly said: "No one is a saint, and no one can be without faults. Although you have made mistakes, you all made mistakes because you mistrusted others. If this were not the case, we would not Is this the case? Didn't Your Majesty also mistakenly believe in the traitor Li Kaifeng? Therefore, I think that this time I will only fine everyone three months' salary. If we commit the crime again in the future, we will be severely punished. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Nangong Yi knew what she was thinking, and said distressedly: "I only fine them three months' salary, which is really cheap for them, but since the queen has spoken, I will reluctantly agree to it!"

The fine of only three months' salary was nothing to every minister present.Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the queen's "punishment" method for them. At the same time, they were grateful for the queen's generosity and kindness. They all knelt down and thanked Caiwei.

"The Queen is kind, I am ashamed, and I am frightened. Thank you very much, Queen..."

The ladies present also knelt down and thanked Caiwei.

Many of these ladies planned to overthrow Caiwei and then send their daughters to the palace to become queens. However, after seeing Caiwei's open-minded and tolerant temperament and tolerance, they could not help but be secretly impressed by her.

The Queen is only fifteen years old, and is as mature and steady as a thirty-year-old woman. She is calm in the face of danger, considers the overall situation, and understands the general situation. It is indeed not what their delicate daughters can match. In addition, she has the power to conquer the country and the city. With her appearance and unparalleled wealth, it is no wonder that the emperor was so attracted to her.

Even if they send their daughter to the palace and have her as a comparison, their daughter will not be favored!

Thinking of this, everyone completely gave up their thoughts of clinging to the dragon and the phoenix, and were moved by Cai Wei's generosity and kindness wholeheartedly.

After paying tribute to all the ministers, Nangong Yi turned to Prime Minister Ning and said coldly: "Prime Minister Ning, you are different from other ministers. I regard you as a high-ranking minister and entrust you with important responsibilities. However, you have betrayed the divine grace and executed me." You killed the princess first, and then ordered Bai Zhi, a cheap maid, to kill the Queen Mother. You also deceived people's hearts and incited the ministers to intimidate me, which almost led to a catastrophe of forcing the palace. With such wolfish ambition, I have no reason to spare you."

After that, he preached: "It is my decree to put Ning Caichen into a prison, move his family members out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and imprison him. We will make a conclusion after the case is found out!"

When Prime Minister Ning heard this, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and shouted: "You are wronged——Your Majesty, I am wronged——"

He shouted with tears streaming down his face: "Your Majesty, I was also deceived by this cheap maid Bai Zhi. I thought it was the Queen who made the Queen Mother angry and wanted to avenge the Queen Mother, so I led everyone to kneel down and beg Your Majesty. I am not loyal to Your Majesty." That's what you said..."

Nangong Yi sneered and said: "You are so loyal. I have repeatedly told you that this matter has not been found out yet. Please don't rush to a conclusion for the time being. But you, a rebellious minister, would rather believe the words of a cheap servant than anything else." Do you believe what I say, is this what you call loyalty? Or are you using it as a pretext to do something treacherous and serious?"

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