Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1651 Wanyan Jingchen’s Promise (3)

"No! Your Majesty, I was wronged. Your Majesty, please have mercy..."

"I have shown mercy to you, otherwise, just because you colluded to kill the Queen Mother's maidservant, you would be quartered..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, forgive me, sir..."

Master Ning was still shouting one after another, but the imperial guards had already stepped forward and dragged him down by his arms.

Mrs. Ning was not as strong as her husband. When she heard that the emperor put their whole family in prison, she immediately collapsed to the ground as if her soul had been removed from her body, speechless...

At this moment, Duke Fu was so frightened that his whole body was shaking like chaff. He lowered his head and tried his best to reduce his presence. However, Song Hanwen, the imperial censor, came up and said: "Your Majesty, the reason why Prime Minister Ning was able to incite so many people was largely because of the help of Duke Fu. If he hadn't harmonized with Prime Minister Ning and deceived everyone with their emotions, everyone wouldn't have just I believe Prime Minister Ning based on his words. "

Duke Fuguo wanted the emperor to ignore him, but he was caught out unexpectedly. He was so panicked that he crawled to the feet of Cai Wei and Nangong Yi, and shouted: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty. Like everyone else, I was bewitched by Ning Cheng... Ning Caichen and targeted the empress. I only think about the Queen Mother and have no other intentions. My loyalty can be demonstrated by the sky and the sun and the moon. ah……"

Nangong Yi chuckled softly: "Put away your loyalty. You have always been close to Ning Caichen. I don't believe it. Don't you know Ning Caichen's true purpose? Come here and tell me my will to revoke the auxiliary country." The duke's title will put Duke Fu and his family in jail, waiting for review..."

When the Duke of Fu heard this, he was struck by lightning and fainted to the ground. He was dragged away by the imperial guards...

In fact, he really didn't know what the conspiracy was behind Prime Minister Ning's inciting everyone. It was just because his son had offended Liu Xi, a celebrity around Queen Mu, and he was afraid of the queen's revenge in the future, so he only wanted to drag Queen Mu away. Get off the horse, and try to send his daughter Jing Xiaowei into the palace to become a queen, noble concubine or something...

At this time, Bai Zhi, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly gritted her teeth, a stream of black blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth, and she fell softly to the ground.

"No, Bai Zhi committed suicide!"

Someone noticed something strange about her and screamed. Caiwei crouched down and found that the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth was black. He knew that she had taken poison and hurriedly asked for help from the space.

The old turtle gave her an antidote pill. Caiwei opened her mouth and tried to give the pill to her, but it was too late. When she opened her mouth, she was bleeding from all her orifices and died!

"What a shameful little maid. You killed the Queen Mother and let her die so easily. It's so easy for her!"

Nangong Yi stared at Bai Zhi's body with hatred, and said: "Drag this bitch out, skin and bones, and cut her body into pieces to feed the dogs!"

Caiwei could understand Nangong Yi's hatred, and since Bai Zhi killed the Queen Mother and framed herself, there was nothing worthy of sympathy, so she ignored it. She said softly: "Your Majesty is keeping vigil for the Queen Mother, and has not slept for two days and two nights. Although Your Majesty values ​​filial piety, you still have to take care of your dragon body. Besides, the Queen Mother has a spirit in heaven. Seeing Your Majesty like this will make you feel sad." …"

When the ministers heard what the queen said, they all echoed: "Your Majesty, please go back and rest, and please take care of your dragon body!"

Nangong Yi was indeed very tired, and he wanted to rest, but he couldn't sleep anywhere except by Cai Wei's side, and he couldn't sleep well. Moreover, whenever he lay down, he would think of his mother's death, so he simply didn't go to sleep. , Just hold on like this and wait and see when you fall down.

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