Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1659 Mo Zili saves people (4)

Hearing this, Juhua nodded lazily and agreed: "Yes!"

In fact, to her, the jolting of the carriage was nothing, but the dust on the road was very annoying. Those fine dusts were getting into the car one after another. After a day's journey, it was true when she checked into the inn every day. It is no exaggeration to say that it is dusty.

Sometimes the inn was so spartan that it was impossible to take a bath. During these three or five days, Chrysanthemum had reached the extreme limit of its endurance.

Mother Zhou glanced at the chrysanthemum and saw her lack of interest, so she cheered her up and said: "I heard that the scenery of Xiangyang Mountain we are walking to is very good, especially this autumn, the mountains and plains are covered with red leaves, it is very beautiful. Well, the old slave heard Yuan Bao from the nursing home say that there is a section of mountain road in a mountain stream with steep cliffs and steep water. I don’t know how much manpower was wasted when building this official road. The girl doesn’t like to look at the scenery the most. Ming’er You have to take a closer look. Once you enter Beijing, it will be difficult for you to travel long distances in the future. It will not be easy to see these mountains and rivers again."

Juhua suddenly became happy when she heard that there was something to see. During the past few days on the road, her mother did not allow her to put her head out to look at the street, saying that she was afraid of being looked at, so she could only stay in the small car all day long. She was almost going moldy with boredom. Now she could enjoy the scenery, and she was not afraid of being seen in the mountains. She could enjoy it to her heart's content. She suddenly smiled brightly and said to Xiaokui: "Okay, don't pinch me. You've been rushing all day." We have traveled a long way and we are very tired. Let’s settle in early. Let’s go into the mountains to see the scenery tomorrow.”

It was after noon the next day that Juhua saw the steep mountain road that Zhou’s mother mentioned. The Shen family's motorcade went deep into Xiangyang Mountain, and the mountain road became increasingly narrow. After turning a corner, a broken vein suddenly appeared in front of them.

The mountain road winds up against a steep wall on one side, and directly faces the valley on the other side. A long stream flows southward at the bottom of the valley. The river is narrow and rapid, with occasional waterfalls and waterfalls flowing down hundreds of feet. You can see the flying snow in the distance and listen to the music. The wind blows, reflecting the autumn mountain scenery in the valley. The scenery is steep and broad, which is very eye-catching.

The carriage slowly drove up the mountain road at an extremely slow speed. The mountain road was not very narrow and could accommodate a carriage with two horses riding side by side. Even the carriage that the master rode in Shen's house was not very wide, so the carriage Walking in the middle, a team of guards can follow beside him.

In order to prevent accidents, the coachmen had already got off the carriage. The coachmen and the nurse led the horses forward, one on the left and the other on the right. Daihua opened the car window and looked at the splashing waterfall in the distance, and the graceful and agile figures of unknown birds flying under the clear blue sky, sighing at the beauty and wonder of the scenery.

Mo Zili was riding a horse and walking at the back of the convoy. His eyes glanced at a car in front of him from time to time. Although he couldn't see the people in the car, his excellent hearing could detect the sound of the hoofbeats and the rolling of the wheels. In the sound, someone's cry of surprise was vaguely captured.

"Wow! So beautiful……"

"Oh, the little blue bird..."

"Hey, I want to get out of the car and see..."

Mo Zili lowered his head, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Although he couldn't see her, he could imagine her appearance at the moment, either holding her little bun in shock and dumbfounded; or biting her fingers with a look on her face. Surprise; or curled up with a face full of grievance...

In short, every expression is very familiar to him and very cute!

The car drove slowly for about a quarter of an hour. When we were about to walk out of this cliff, something unexpected happened!

A bird suddenly flew out and frightened Xiangyun's horse. After the frightened horse, it neighed, raised its hooves, and rushed to the side. The coachman and the guards guarding the side of the carriage were all shocked by this sudden attack. They were shocked by the unexpected turn of events. Before they could pull the bridle, the horse and the carriage had already fallen into the abyss.

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