Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1660 Mo Zili saves people (5)


The last thing that sounded in Juhua's ears was a shout that was already broken.

As the carriage spun around, she had already flown out of the car. The screams in her ears were far away, leaving only the whistling of the wind. The blue sky above her head was spinning. Daisy only had time to take two big gulps of air, and her whole body was swelled. Into the deep river water.

The river was narrow, with jagged rocks on both sides, and the river was full of rocks. Fortunately, she did not fall onto the rocks. Even so, she felt a dull pain in her chest and back as she floated into the water, as if she was being pressed by a hill. As if.

The river in autumn was chilly even in the afternoon. The cold water swept in from all directions, and the eyes were turbid. Out of instinct, Juhua desperately paddled upstream. Although her body was strong, she was still a little immature. The battle with the turbulent river water was quickly defeated.

After several efforts, not to mention swimming to the shore, it was difficult to just barely get up and swim twice, and soon he was swept away by the river water again.At this time, human power is really too weak, just like an earthworm shaking a tree, and there is no way to resist.

She tried to grab hold of the abrupt and ferocious rocks on the edge of the river to steady her body, but when she tried to get closer to the river, she was hit by a sharp stone and felt a sharp pain in her right leg. She was sure that if she continued to go to the water, she would not wait until If she grabs the rock, she will be smashed into pieces by the steep rocks.

Her body is getting colder and colder, her strength is getting weaker and weaker, and even her mind is getting a little dizzy. In addition, when she is thrown down by the river water, it is inevitable to take two mouthfuls of cold river water. Juhua feels that her body is getting stiffer and stiffer, and her heart is getting weaker and weaker. sink.

But even so, she still struggled to think of a way to swim upwards, but she didn't last long before she heard the sound of the waterfall in front of her, and the splashing sound of the river water was like a note of urgency. As she struggled, she looked around, and sure enough she saw Not far away, the river suddenly cuts off. Listening to the splashing sound of falling water, this waterfall is definitely not small. If it fell, I really don’t know if I would die instantly.

Juhua opened her hazy eyes and used her last bit of strength to break away from the river water that entangled her body, but in the end it was the earthworm shaking the tree. The river water rolled up the whirlpool and pulled her down continuously. Her hands lost the last strength. Juhua's whole body was brought in, and the cold river water flooded her head. She closed her eyes, and the surroundings seemed to be silent, and it seemed that she could hear the cry of death.

It's over, I'm dead now, I'll never see my parents again...

Juhua desperately wanted to cry loudly, but she didn't even have the strength to cry. She is the only child of her parents. If she dies, her parents will definitely die of grief. Who will provide for her parents in the future...

Just when she was desperate, her waist suddenly tightened, and she felt something like a strong iron rope suddenly wrapped around her waist, and then her whole body was pulled and fell into a hard and warm place. Wherever it is, Chrysanthemum instinctively stretches out its hand to climb up and wrap around tightly.

The strength did not disappoint her, and she jumped out of the river in an instant. The fresh air rushed in, and Daisy greedily inhaled like a dying fish. Before her mind was clear, she could hear her ears. A deep shout suddenly came from the side.

"Hold your breath and hold tight!"

It was a man's voice, low and steady, with a calming charm. Before Juhua's brain could react, her body had already reacted, and her arms were tightly wrapped around the man.

Fall, splash, heavy blow, tinnitus, ups and downs...

Juhua could feel the moment she fell. The man suddenly turned over, protecting her from above, and then he fell hard into the pool. Her heart was shaken, and she tried to open her eyes. The water washed through her eyes, but she couldn't see anything. I just felt that the two of them were being knocked down and sinking, being pushed forward by the current, like a small boat being shot into the waves. Under the beach, there were rocks on both sides of the river. The body holding her suddenly shook, Her ears were roaring and she couldn't hear any sound at all. She only saw a string of bubbles rising up from between the two of them. She guessed that the man groaned, and he probably hit a boulder and was seriously injured.

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