Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1661 Mo Zili saves people (6)

She struggled instinctively, trying to see if she could have the strength to take care of herself and lighten his burden. As soon as she moved, the arms around her waist tightened, with a bit of strong impatience and warning. At this time, Juhua was running out of brains. She was only afraid that if she really pissed off this person, he would leave her alone. The taste of death was too terrible. She calmed down in an instant, obediently relaxed her body and just clung to him, letting him Take yourself upstream little by little.

Wow, the water finally broke. Juhua tried her best to open her eyes. The white sun was still hanging above her head. She gasped for breath. There was water in front of her eyes. She couldn't tell whether it was river water or tears of joy.

The current was very fast, and even under the waterfall it did not lose its momentum. In just a moment, the two of them were carried to the ground and floated very far away by the water. But this time it was much better. No matter how turbulent the water was, the arm was always tightly wrapped around her waist. Daihua turned her head and finally saw the man holding her clearly.

Mo Zili, the man who has been living in her home, is a man of few words and indifferent temperament. It is said that he is the direct son of a noble family in the capital. Unexpectedly, he would risk his life to save her. At this time , Juhua didn't care to investigate why he was so kind, and the wonderful feeling of surviving the disaster made her unable to care about anything else, just being happy.

Great, she is still alive and can see her parents again. Juhua couldn't help but laugh. Her smile was very weak and she didn't even make a sound. But Mo Zili felt it and was surprised, and it also affected her unconsciously. He raised the corners of his lips and scolded: "Crazy girl!"

Juhua had not heard his voice, her ears were still roaring from the impact of the water, and Mo Zili did not wait for her to respond.Hold the chrysanthemum firmly with one hand, and paddle hard with the other hand.

Dai Hua was led by him, but he gradually regained some strength, and his brain could move, and he suddenly became worried. It was not an option for the two of them to keep floating like this. Sooner or later, he would be exhausted, and he was racking his brains to think about landing. Fazi suddenly saw a large tree growing diagonally on the bank of the river in front of them. Although it was still some distance away from them, compared to other vegetation, it was the closest to them.

The opportunity was too good to miss, so Juhua took off his belt without hesitation, straightened it and tried it. She felt it was too short, so she went to untie his belt again. At the moment of life and death, a person's normal reaction is to survive, no matter what the cost.

As for restraint, etiquette, etc., for a person with a strong desire to survive, they are all bullshit!

Xiangyun tied the two belts together and handed them to Mo Zili. When Mo Zili took off his belt, he had already thought of what she was going to do. He smiled and aimed at the right moment. When he rushed past the tree, a flying line was thrown out, and the belt hung on On the branch, with the help of this weak lifting force, he has found the point of exertion, and the figure with the chrysanthemum is instantly pulled up from the river.

Mo Zili held the belt with one hand and held Chrysanthemum with the other, and swung on the tree twice. Chrysanthemum's heart trembled, fearing that the belt was not strong enough or the branches could not bear their weight and they would fall into the water again. Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen. By the third swing, Mo Zili had already used the power of inertia to spin her in a circle in the air and jumped to the canopy of the tree.

In an instant, the tree crown was pressed so low that it almost touched the river. Juhua screamed, wrapped her legs and feet around Mo Zili's body, and closed her eyes tightly.

Mo Zili said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, hold on tight, I'll take you down!" After that, he climbed onto the branch and climbed towards the river bank.

When she arrived under the tree, her feet finally landed. Juhua leaned against the tree weakly, breathing heavily. After all this tossing, her clothes were already scattered and clinging tightly to her body. Her lapels were wide open, revealing her graceful appearance. From her fair neck and half of her shoulders, her black hair was scattered on her cheeks and neck. After being soaked in water, it became as black and shiny as algae, black and white intertwined, very beautiful.

However, her face was a little pale, probably because she was too frightened, but she looked up at him with curved eyebrows, and the bright smile on her face lit up her entire face. She was obviously fragile and vulnerable, but paradoxically full of vitality. , full of energy.

The sun in the west emits a gentle light, enveloping the girl's vivid facial features, which is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away.

Mo Zili was stunned for a moment and didn't respond for a long time. Juhua's ears were still buzzing a little unclearly. He just thought that Mo Zili was the same, so he stood up straight by supporting the big tree behind him, and put one hand on Mo Zili's head. He leaned on his shoulder, leaned into his ear and said loudly: "Mo Zili, thank you, you are my savior!"

Her breath went into her ears as she spoke, and her body was so close to him that when he lowered his head, he could even see a suspicious hook through the slightly open lapel. Mo Zili stiffened and quickly turned his head, his ears suddenly turned red.

Juhua didn't notice the man's embarrassment, and kept shouting: "If it weren't for you, I would die today. My parents only have a daughter. If I die, who will take care of my parents until they die?" Therefore, you are not only my savior, but also a great benefactor to our Shen family. My parents will definitely repay you..."

The chrysanthemums chattered endlessly, and streams of hot air blew into his ears, making him feel in a trance. Unconsciously, his hanging arms caressed her waist by accident. With a slight exertion, Juhua staggered and fell solidly into his arms.

Juhua's body was a little on the fat side. This time, almost all the weight of her body was pressed on the man. The weight of her body and the force of the impact made the exhausted man stagger and almost fell to the ground. .

"Watch out!"

Juhua supported him and did not pursue his abruptness just now, because her attention had been attracted by the bright red on his legs.

"You are hurt!"

Juhua exclaimed, her big eyes fixed on the bright red blood stains on his robe.

Mo Zili lowered his head, looked at his injured leg, and said, "It doesn't matter, just bandage it and it'll be fine!"

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