Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1662 Small Temple by the River (1)

Hua is a chivalrous and courageous woman. Mo Zili was injured because of her. Naturally, she would not shy away from him for the so-called etiquette or reputation. She stepped forward without hesitation and supported Mo Zili on a big rock. He sat down and lifted up his robe to check his wounds. Sure enough, he saw a big bloody hole stabbed by a sharp stone on the outside of his right thigh. Blood was still pouring out, staining the entire trouser leg red. It was shocking to see the flesh and blood, and he didn't know what the wound was. How big.

"Why is it hurt so badly?"

She frowned and hurriedly pulled at the hem of her skirt, wanting to tear off a piece of cloth to bandage his wound first. However, the satin was soaked in water and was very slippery. In addition, she didn't have much strength on her body, so she tore it off twice. None of them worked.

Mo Zili looked at Juhua's anxious look, and suddenly felt that the wound didn't hurt that much anymore.

He said: "Stop being busy, I will do it myself!"

As he said that, he pulled out a short knife from his boot, raised the knife and put it down. With a "stab" sound, he had already cut off a large piece of his robe, and quickly wrapped the piece of robe around his injured leg. , after wrapping it up, he stood up and said, "Let's go!"

Juhua looked around blankly: "Where are you going?"

"We were washed up on the river bank here. There is a Dragon King Temple. We first went there to make a fire to warm our clothes and avoid the cold. Otherwise, we might get cold from the wind."

Juhua was shivering from the cold and her face was pale. Hearing this, he nodded quickly and said: "Okay, okay, uh... you are injured, can you walk by yourself? I'd better help you walk."

"No need!"

Mo Zili was not weak enough to need her support, so he walked upstream, collecting dry branches, dead grass and some flammable things as he walked. Chrysanthemum followed suit and picked up some things that could be burned.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, we saw the Dragon King Temple that Mo Zili had mentioned.

A small temple was built on a high ground on the river bed. It was probably built by a wealthy family to fulfill their vows. Otherwise, there would not be such an abrupt building in this remote place. Seeing the small temple, Chrysanthemum seemed to have seen a life-saving elixir. She was almost freezing to death. Now she saw a place where she could keep away the cold and keep warm. She was very happy. She said with bright eyes: "Master Mo, you are really amazing. In such a dangerous situation, you actually paid attention to the environment by the river. It's not like me, who was so patronizing and scared!"

Men all like to be praised by the women they like, and Mo Zili is no exception. Hearing Ju Hua's words, he raised his lips in joy, but didn't say anything more. He just said: "Come in quickly!" Opened the broken door of Dragon King Temple.

This small temple is very small, with only a small main room and no side hall. Moreover, the only small main room is already dilapidated. In the middle of the main room, there is a simple statue of the Dragon King, which has been enshrined for a long time. The paint had peeled off, the color had faded, and it had become mottled. Perhaps it was because no one had been here for a long time. The dust on the altar table was as thick as a copper coin, and there was a salty, musty smell in the room.

Fortunately, someone piled a pile of firewood in the corner. Now, I don't have to worry about heating.

After entering the house, Mo Zili threw the dead grass, branches and firewood in his arms on the ground, and set up large branches to form a tower, ready to light a fire, but when he touched his waist, he frowned again.

Originally, there was flint in his waist bag, but after she took off his belt in the river, all the contents in his waist bag were washed away. Not to mention the flint, even the gold sore medicine and silver notes were gone.

"What's wrong?"

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