Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1663 Small Temple by the River (2)

Juhua squatted down opposite him and put aside the little firewood she had picked up, saving it for later when there was not enough firewood.

Mo Zili muttered: "The flint is gone!"

Hearing this, Juhua's expression suddenly shattered. She had been shivering from the cold and her lips were bruised. She had been holding on all the way, just hoping that there would be a warm fire to roast her frozen body. , as soon as she heard that there was no way to light a fire, the fire of hope in her heart was extinguished by a 'stab', and her whole heart felt cold. It was even colder than the wet and cold clothes clinging to her body. .

She was a simple woman, with all her joys, sorrows and joys written on her little face. After learning that there was no fire, she pursed her lips tightly and was about to cry.

Seeing her like this, Mo Zili almost laughed. He suppressed his laughter and said, "You can still start a fire without flint, but it's just a little more troublesome."

"Huh? Really?"

Juhua opened her red eyes and said seriously: "You didn't lie to me?"

Mo Zili smiled lightly without making a sound. He just chose a larger piece of dry wood, used a short knife to cut a dry branch, sharpened one end of the branch, stood the branch on the dry wood, and rubbed the branch. Turn it up.

After a while, white smoke appeared from the tips of the branches. Mo Zili sped up and turned for a while, and the branches actually caught fire.

"Wow! Does this work? You are so awesome!"

Juhua looked at the branch in Mo Zili's hand in surprise and admired Mo Zili.

The fire was lit, and the crackling sound sounded like a beautiful note in the small temple. Mo Zili stood up and said: "I'm going to find something to eat. It will take about half an hour. You can use this time to take off your clothes and dry them as soon as possible. My daughter's body is delicate and will get wet after wearing it for a long time." Clothes can make you sick."

"But... your clothes are still wet... Why don't you wait until they dry..."

Before Juhua could finish speaking, Mo Zili had already left without looking back. Juhua wanted to keep him and chased him to the temple gate. She was beaten back by a gust of cold wind. She shrank and hugged her shoulders: "It's so cold!"

At this time, it is already evening outside, and the sky is getting colder. This man went out wet like this. Isn't he afraid of the cold?

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly noticed that the fire was a little too small. Afraid of wasting the firewood, she quickly closed the door, ran to the altar table, wiped it clean with a handkerchief, moved the altar table to the fire, and took off her clothes. clothes, put the clothes on the altar table and bake them.

The prosperous fire quickly heated up the small temple, and Juhua's body was also warmed up. She stared at the fire intently, stirring dry wood from time to time to ensure that the fire ignited as soon as possible.

Her life was saved, and she had this warm fire to bake on. At this moment, she felt so happy.

In fact, happiness is very simple. For a person struggling on the line of life and death, he is very happy to be alive; for a person who is about to freeze, he is very happy to have a fire to roast himself. Now, the happiness in Juhua's heart is overwhelming. She is still alive and can still warm herself by the fire. After tonight, she can see her parents again. Life is so wonderful!

However, at this moment, Mo Zili outside was not very happy.

He was injured and lost a lot of blood. His physical strength was greatly overdrawn while rescuing Juhua, and his physical fitness naturally dropped a lot. He was almost frozen to the point of freezing, and he had no feeling at all.

He stayed by the river, holding a sharpened branch, and looked at the turbulent river water intently. When a fish swam, he quickly pricked the branch down, and the fish that was pierced was caught by him. arrive.

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