Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1664 Small Temple by the River (3)

There were many fish in the river, and they caught four or five in a short while. Some of these fish were as long as chopsticks, and some were as long as a foot, which was enough for them to eat.

After catching the fish, he wanted to pack up the fish and take them back, but halfway through packing, he couldn't hold it anymore. He carried a few fish and wanted to go back to the temple. When he stood up, he felt The person felt dizzy and fainted silently.

Juhua didn't know what was going on outside. After drying her clothes and putting on her clothes, she saw that he hadn't come back yet, so she went out to look for him. After searching for a while, she found him under a big tree not far from the small temple.

At this time, Mo Zili had fallen into a coma. His whole body was stiff and his lips were purple. If Juhua had come a little later, he would probably freeze to death.

Juhua was frightened and tried her best to lift him up, even dragging him on her back, and finally got him back to the temple.

When Mo Zili went out, he was still upright and energetic. Juhua thought he was fine, so she let him out with confidence, but she didn't expect it to turn out like this!

The man was about to freeze to death, his body was as cold as ice, and he didn't recover even after taking the exam for a long time.

Juhua is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He fell into this situation because of her. Therefore, in desperation, she didn’t care about her shame and moral integrity. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and took off the man’s clothes. He put it on the altar table to bake, then took off his cotton coat and wiped the moisture from his body.

When she wiped her lower body, she caught a glimpse of the blood-stained cloth strap on the injured leg. The cloth strap was wet and simply wrapped around his leg. She remembered that just now he had just wiped the wound. It was just bandaged, but the wound was not cleaned, nor was it checked to see if there was any sediment in the wound. His wound was very deep, and if not treated properly, it could easily become infected.

Juhua thought for a while, stood up, picked up a ceramic incense burner under the Dragon King statue, and left the temple.

She had to clean his wound, check if there was any sediment in the wound, and bandage him after it was treated. This way, his chance of infection would be much smaller, and this could be regarded as sacrificing his life to save him. Give me some repayment!

When she got outside, she poured out all the ashes in the incense burner, and then went to the river to wash the incense burner. The river plunged straight into the mountains, and now it had already deviated from its original path. The chrysanthemum looked around and saw There are high mountains on all sides, and the mountains are beautifully decorated with layers of red and yellow. The afterglow of the sun has reached the top of the mountain. Seeing the sun sinking in the west, I am afraid that someone in this deep mountain will freeze to death.

After washing the incense burner, she followed the river and found a relatively clean place, scooped up some water from the incense burner, and returned to the temple with the incense burner in her arms.

When he returned, Mo Zili was still unconscious and showed no signs of waking up.

Juhua untied his injured leg, took a deep breath, and quickly took off the man's only underpants. The man's important parts were blocked by her half-dry robe that he had dried, so she leaned over and frowned at the injury to take a closer look.

You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!

I saw that the man's leg had a huge wound. Although it was no longer bleeding, the skin and flesh of the wound were turned out and there was still a lot of sand in it, making it look very ferocious.

This man is so stupid. Even after being injured like this, he still doesn't rush to deal with the wound and still has time to go out to find something to eat. Is he going to die?

Thinking about it, she poured water from the incense burner on it. The cool water washed over the wound, and the sand in the wound flowed down her thigh. Mo Zili's leg muscles tightened, but he still didn't wake up.

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