Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1671 Mrs. Shen’s decision, second update (2)

Mr. Shen had been looking for his daughter all night last night and was catching up on his sleep in the car. When he heard his wife calling him, he quickly got up and asked the driver to stop the car and went to the back to see his wife.

In the car, I saw Mrs. Cui leaning on the small table with her elbows, closing her eyes and rubbing her eyebrows, looking worried. Juhua was sitting next to her, with her head hanging down and her hands clasped together, as if she had done something wrong. What's the matter?

"What's going on? Are you all hit by frost?"

Master Shen sat down next to his wife, smiling and teasing his wife and daughter, his eyes full of doting.

Ms. Cui glanced at her daughter with a sad face and said, "Tell your father yourself!"

Shen Juhua grabbed her skirt and rubbed it for a while, then told her what happened yesterday from beginning to end. Of course, she didn't know that Mo Zili had squeezed out the poisonous blood for her, let alone that she had been raped by someone. It was about seeing the light, so I omitted this matter.

After listening to his daughter's narration, Mr. Shen's face became more solemn. He looked at Madam and said solemnly: "What do you want to say, Madam?"

Cui said: "Master, don't you think it's strange? Why would Mr. Mo, such a noble person, risk his own life and jump off a cliff to save our daughter? I remember that you are not very familiar with him. Moreover, in order to save our daughter Hurry up and dry the clothes. He would rather go out and suffer in the cold, almost risking his life. Why would he do this? Master, don’t you think this is unreasonable? Don’t you think this is right? Any ideas?"

Mr. Shen stroked his beard, pondered for a moment, and said, "Could it be that Mr. Mo is in love with our daughter?"

Then he denied his idea and said: "But it doesn't look like it? Our chrysanthemum has neither the beauty of the country nor the talent to be superior to others. What is there that is worthy of him being so devoted that he will protect each other regardless of his life? No. , he probably doesn’t like our daughter."

Mrs. Shen glanced at her husband resentfully. Although she was not satisfied with his evaluation of her daughter, she agreed with his point of view in her heart.

Not long after Mr. Mo moved into her home, she felt something was wrong. After several contacts, she found that Mr. Mo had an indifferent temperament and did not like to interact with others. He did not seem to be able to live with people from other families, but he was in her. Once he stayed at home, he never left; moreover, he claimed that he came out to visit the mountains and rivers, but after living in his home for so long, he stayed in the house and never went out to play at all. Even the most famous family in the neighborhood He didn't even go sightseeing in the mountains. It didn't look like he was here to enjoy the mountains and rivers at all. It seemed like he was deliberately looking for an excuse to stay in her house.

Why is he doing this? What is the purpose?

If he loves their daughter, but as his husband said, their daughter is not good enough for him to risk his life to save her. Moreover, he comes from the most powerful family in the capital. What kind of famous lady has he not seen? , shouldn't have such strong feelings for their daughter!

Mrs. Shen said solemnly: "Master, this matter is too strange. I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it, so I have to come to you to discuss it."

Mr. Shen said: "It is indeed difficult to explain Mr. Mo's behavior, but if he really loves our daughter, this matter will be much easier to handle."

"No, absolutely not!"

Mrs. Shen interrupted him and said categorically: "Let's not say that our family is not worthy of others. Even if the master is now a very popular minister and is a good match for Duke Li Guo's family, this marriage will still not be possible. Our chrysanthemum has a simple temper and has no twists and turns in her heart. She cannot adapt to the life in the Hou family's palace. Marrying her to such a family may appear to be prominent and wealthy on the surface, but the happiness of her daughter's life is not worth it. It's over; besides, we only have this little blood in common, and I will ask her to find a son-in-law for us to take care of in our old age. If she marries into a deep house, let alone take care of us in our old age, we just want to see her. It’s hard on both sides.”

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