Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1672 Mrs. Shen’s decision, second update (3)

When Mr. Shen heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, "What Madam said makes sense. However, Mr. Mo seems to be very passionate about our daughter. He would even sacrifice his life for her. I don't think he will marry Juhua." Let the chrysanthemum suffer. "

Mrs. Shen sneered: "My daughter will marry him not just for a day, but for a lifetime with him. Can you guarantee that he will always be so good to Juhua? If he recruits a son-in-law, no matter when it comes, if he dares If it's not good for our daughter, the worst we can do is deprive her of her divorce and drive her out of the house. But if we marry our daughter to Duke Li Guo's palace and she suffers injustice, we as parents will have nothing to do, right?"

Mr. Shen said: "I think Mr. Mo is gentle, handsome and talented. He shouldn't be the kind of heartless person. Our chrysanthemum will not be wronged if he marries her!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Shen's smile became even colder.

"Ha! I thought you were gentle, handsome, and talented at the beginning, but what happened? When I first married you, you were very loving and affectionate to me. But after a few years, your love has faded. Turning to Mr. Yan, he trampled my wife under his feet and allowed Ms. Yan and her few bastards to torture and abuse our two mothers in every possible way. They almost tortured us to death without even touching each other. , do you know how my daughter and I have survived these years, how much grievances and pains we have endured?"

Ms. Cui became more and more excited as she spoke, and her voice became louder. Before she could finish speaking, a string of tears had already rolled down her face.

Mr. Shen knew that he was in the wrong and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's not talk about this anymore. In my opinion, our daughter will not marry. In the future, our daughter will marry a good son with a gentle temperament, who will be under our eyes." How about living a peaceful and smooth life down there?"

"Hmph! That's pretty much it!"

Mrs. Cui wiped her tears and said angrily: "Men are lustful and ruthless. When he loves you now, he will die for you, but if he dislikes you one day, even a concubine can make you angry at will." Damn it, I don’t want our daughter to live a life worse than death again. No matter what others think, I will never trust a man again in this life, and I will never let my daughter marry into the Duke Hou Men’s Mansion."

Master Shen was scolded by Madam, and suddenly became three points less angry. He nodded and said: "Okay, okay, just do what Madam said. If our daughter doesn't marry them to run the Duke's Palace, even if he You can't marry even if you save our lives..."

Hearing the fierce argument between her father and mother, Juhua twitched her lips and said with a face: "Father, mother, look at what you said, it sounds like they really want to marry your daughter. In fact, Mr. Mo has always said I respect and love him very much and have never shown any affection for my son or daughter. Maybe he is such a kind-hearted person who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He really just wants to help me, but you are overthinking it!"

Mrs. Shen said: "It's best if he has no other ideas. Mom, I'll tell you first. You and he are not suitable. Don't think that he has the favor to save your life, so you don't have any thoughts of committing yourself to him. Remember Once you enter the Marquis family, it is as deep as the sea. If you really marry in, it will be too late to cry when you regret it."

"Your mother is right, the kindness we owe him can be repaid in other ways. You must not have any undue thoughts towards him!" Mr. Shen gave his wife a flattering look, then scolded his daughter with a straight face. .

Juhua rolled her eyelids and looked like she had had enough, and said, "Father, mother, where did you think you were? When did my daughter become attracted to him? The reason why I helped him bandage it was because he had saved her daughter's life. The daughter can't bear to abandon him; besides, don't you know what kind of character your daughter is? Not to mention that he knows her father and has saved her daughter, even if he is a stranger, her daughter will never meet him if she sees him dying. You can't help but die!"

Hearing what their daughter said, the couple felt relieved a lot. Mrs. Shen also warned: "You must remember your own words and the words of your parents. Qi Dafei, if you marry that illustrious Liguo If you go to the palace, I'm afraid you'll only be angry and bullied for the rest of your life. Mother doesn't want to see you end up in that situation!"

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