Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1673 A happy family of five (1)

In the autumn of the third year of Shunde in the Jin Dynasty, the Caishikou in the capital was crowded with people. People gathered here to watch the execution of Li Kaifeng, the former general who protected the country.

According to the executioner's announcement, Li Kaifeng committed a major crime of treason last year. The Holy Spirit was merciful and thought that he had the merit of serving the dragon. He could not bear to kill him, so he only locked him in prison and let him spend the rest of his life in prison. Who knows? Li Kaifeng did not care about the grace of the saints, but repaid evil with kindness. He killed the Queen Mother and Princess Chaoyue, and blamed the Queen Mother. Now his crime has been found out. Li Kaifeng himself confessed his crime and was ordered to be beheaded by the Holy Emperor. Most of his party members were executed. He was captured and sentenced to death with him. Except for Shen Yujia and the female killer who killed Chao Yue, who had their sky lanterns lit, the rest of them all bowed their heads in public.

There are still a few absconding minions who are still being hunted. All Li Kaifeng's minions are dead soldiers who were raised by him since childhood and have not been brainwashed. However, although these people have been brainwashed, they still have human feelings. . They could allow Li Kaifeng to fail and were willing to die for him, but they could not accept the fact of being betrayed by him.

Inside the vegetable market, the dead soldiers were furious and angrily cursed Li Kaifeng for being unkind and unjust. Many people also cursed him to never be reincarnated.

Li Kaifeng couldn't argue. He didn't know why he was recruiting or why he confessed all the dead soldiers he had worked so hard to train. He was tied here and sentenced to death without even knowing anything. The death penalty!

The scene on the execution ground will naturally reach the ears of Li Kaifeng's minions who have fled. I believe that after they hear that they were betrayed by Li Kaifeng, they will hate Li Kaifeng so much that they will never think of being loyal to him again, and those who want to If they want to take refuge in Li Kaifeng, the ministers who have been wavering between the emperor and Li Kaifeng will not have other thoughts anymore.

Although the risk factors have been greatly reduced, Caiwei and Nangong Yi will never make a mistake for people with risk factors, even if there are only a few risk factors. They are not afraid of anything, but as parents , always think about their children, lest they regret it for the rest of their lives.

The remnants of Li Kaifeng's party who have not yet been captured are not because they cannot be caught. With Yingge's presence and Li Kaifeng's previous description of those who slipped through the net, all the absconders are already under Yingge's control. However, they are far away from the capital. A little further away, the person responsible for capturing them has not arrived yet.

Ning Caichen and Fu Guogong were also released and restored to their original posts.

Although they trusted others, gathered a crowd to force the palace, and almost made an irreversible mistake, they thought that they were indeed being used by others, and they had suffered a lot of torture in prison these days, so they offset the two sides and spared them. , However, in Nangong Yi's heart, they are no longer his ministers!

At the beginning of November, the Queen Mother was buried in the imperial mausoleum. After a month, this matter finally came to an end.

Caiwei didn't feel much sadness about the death of Empress Dowager Mo. She was not the Virgin White Lotus, and she would not be sad because of someone who didn't like her and was always in trouble with her.

However, when she saw that Nangong Yi often stared blankly in the direction of Yukun Palace alone, and often told her things about his childhood unintentionally, she felt sorry for him.

Although Empress Dowager Mo was not kind to her, it cannot be denied that she was very kind to Nangong Yi. She loved her children very much. In the past twenty years, the three of them, mother and son, had been under the power of Concubine Jin. Relying on each other, Queen Mother Mo tried her best to protect Nangong Yi and Chao Yue Zhou Quan. During this process, she suffered so much grievance and pain that even she could not count. Nangong Yi grew up beside her, so how could he not know how difficult it was for his mother. Now it was easy to clear the clouds and see the sun, and the moon was clear. Her mother should have enjoyed her old age, but she died tragically at the hands of a courtier.

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