Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1688 I have to discuss this with my wife (6)

Now, I can only pray that Saknu's love for her will last longer. With his protection, even if someone wants to touch the two of them, he will take Saknu into consideration; however, once Saknu abandons her, her The position of the Yan family, the position of her son as the eldest prince, will definitely become a talisman for the death of their mother and son.

Caiwei and Du Yueniang were not very close, but no matter what, she still hoped that Du Yueniang and her son would be well, so she secretly planned to send Du Yueniang some beauty tea produced in space, and then give Mi Fangzhai the best Rouge picked out a few boxes and sent them to her.

Men are all visual animals. As long as she remains beautiful, Saknu will not be able to part with her beautiful face even if he wants to despise her...

Du Meiren was also granted the title of Yan by Tuoba Hong Khan. Tuoba Hong was not like Saknu. There were not many people in the harem, and there were not many women who could compete with Du Meiren for favor.

However, Du Meiren was already a woman in her thirties. Although she had caught the tail of her youth and was able to marry a great Khan and become a family member, at this age, she did not have many years of youth left.

However, no matter how well maintained she is, she will still get older and uglier. Even if Tuobahong doesn't care much about women's beauty, he will still feel depressed when his Yan family's beauty fades with age. , shameless.

Therefore, some scented tea and rouge must also be prepared for Du Meiren. Du Meiren was very kind to her in the past. Caiwei is a person who repays her kindness and is naturally very concerned about Du Meiren's future happiness. In addition to The same scented tea and rouge as Yueniang, she will also leave some food and fine wine produced in her space. These things can help her eliminate the garbage in her body, making her become more and more transparent and fair, and she will also let go. The slow aging rate allows her to be pampered for as many years as possible...

The former Duke Du Ruhai now lives with Aunt Liao as a couple. After experiencing the confiscation of his home and being exiled, he has long lost the arrogance and arrogance he had when he was the Duke. Now he is a slave, and Aunt Liao is A good citizen, in terms of status, he is not as good as Aunt Liao. Therefore, he has put away his pride and dignity for half his life. Now he is a peaceful little old man. Every day he takes his three legitimate sons and grandchildren to the library to help Du Yongqi investigate. He ordered the glass, finished work, and then went back to eat and sleep obediently. From his body, there was no trace of the majestic appearance of the past.

Du Yongbang, Du Yongzhi and Du Yongchun were all greatly stimulated by the incident of having their homes confiscated and exiled, and were depressed for a time. Later, after hearing that Du Yueniang had become the Yan family of Liaodan, the brothers' thoughts gradually came to life. Du Yongzhi also wanted to go to Liaodan and become a state uncle. The thought of sharing was abandoned.

At first, they almost married Yueniang to an old man who buried his neck in poverty. Even though Du Yueniang was gentle and kind-hearted, she would not forget this easily. Moreover, even Yueniang's serious brother Du Yongqi did not go to have a convulsion. , Dangdang, who works as an official and part-time official, who are they?

Not long after, Du Meiren was favored in Mengnu's royal tent, and the brothers were eager to try again.

Unexpectedly, Du Meiren is a person who understands justice well. She knows that her brothers are important criminals of the imperial court. How dare she let Tuoba Hongzhong treat them? Therefore, he reprimanded them unceremoniously and made several brothers who had dreams of getting ahead become disgraced. They went back dejected, and they never dared to think about anything else again!

In today's Du family, Du Yongqi is the head of the family. He has the final say in everything at home. The Du Yongbang brothers live with others and have long since dared not treat the Du Yongqi family as they did before. Now they, He was respectful and cautious towards Aunt Liao's family. It was precisely because of their humble attitude that Du Yongqi reluctantly took them in, otherwise he would have kicked them out. They had to live in a large work shed like other slaves, eat and live with other important prisoners, and spend the rest of their long lives together...

Caiwei chatted with Du Yongqi for a while, left him and went to the king's account alone, hoping to settle the account of this batch of glass with the Great Khan Tuoba Hong.

This time, there was a huge backlog of glass, more than 1.6 million yuan. Fortunately, Caiwei had opened glass shops all over the country. Otherwise, so much glass would have been unsaleable just to be sold in the capital.

on the throne

Tuoba Hong took over one million taels of silver notes handed over by Caiwei and was very satisfied. Since he cooperated with Caiwei, Lingbei has become more and more prosperous and prosperous, and the people are gradually leaving. They have abandoned the nomadic life and become like the people of Jin Dynasty, living and working in peace and contentment. Now, it is not an exaggeration to use the word "rapidly changing" to describe the development of Lingbei in the past two years. He was also increasingly glad that he had made a wise choice and did not resist to the end. Instead, he chose to surrender to Caiwei and cooperate with Caiwei.

Otherwise, how could we live the good life we ​​have now?

After paying the money, Caiwei selected several treasures from the space and gave them to Tuoba Hong. Among these treasures, there was a set of emerald green bowls, chopsticks and plates; there was a cradle made of golden nanmu; There are two 300-year-old ginseng trees; there is also a pearl sweater that is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Each of these treasures is priceless. In the entire royal tent in Lingbei, there is no treasure comparable to it.

Seeing that Caiwei was generous, Tuoba Hong said politely: "Why is this, Queen? Why did you suddenly give me such an expensive gift?"

Caiwei smiled and said: "I heard that the little prince was born, and I and the Emperor have not yet had time to send me some gifts. This is a small gift from the Emperor and I. If you don't mind it, please accept it!" "

Tuoba Hong was neither crazy nor stupid, so he happily accepted such a valuable treasure.

The two chatted for a while, and Caiwei suddenly heard the sound of Nangong Yi talking to the children in the space. Knowing that they had woken up, she stood up and said goodbye to Tuoba Hong, and meandered out of the king's tent.

After leaving the king's tent, she walked for a while, walked to a deserted place, and slipped into the space.

At this moment, several buns have peed and drank water. Nangong Yi has helped them get dressed and is waiting to pick Wei!

"Where have you been? Why did you sneak out while we were asleep?"

Caiwei picked up Mingzhu and said with a smile: "I'm going to do some business. It's pointless for you to follow me. It's better to stay in the space and sleep. Now that I've finished the work, the rest of the time is to accompany you in Lingbei." Wouldn't it be better to play?"

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