Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1689 Return to Mu Village (1)

Throughout the whole day, Nangong Yi and Caiwei strolled leisurely in the royal city of Mengnu, looking around and looking around. It was very pleasant.Although the royal city of Mengnu was not as prosperous and rich as the capital city, the alien scenery with vast sky, high ground, and cattle and sheep everywhere still deeply attracted the two of them.

Although this is not the first time Nangong Yi comes to Lingbei, the last time he came, he was busy with military affairs and had no time to enjoy the scenery; and every time Caiwei came, she was in a hurry and had no time to spend time in the city. Take a look around.

After having half a day's leisure, they were in a half-Buddha and half-god mood. Today, the couple were free people. They could slow down, savor the scenery carefully, and slowly appreciate the scenery of Mengnu. They joined hands to visit the group of tents where the common people lived. We visited the traditional Mennu market and visited the Karen God Temple where the Mennu people believe. At noon, we went to a restaurant run by the Mennu people in the commercial street and tasted the traditional food of the Mennu people: handmade food. Grilled meat and haggis, and drank fragrant milk tea.

With Caiwei's gentle and meticulous company, Nangong Yi's mood became brighter and brighter. The gloom in his heart due to the murder of Queen Mother Mo gradually dissipated. He felt more and more grateful for Caiwei's virtuousness and kindness, and secretly made up his mind. , I must treat her well in this life and never let her down...

Because she wanted to be alone with the man and let him relax, Caiwei did not go to see Chao Yun when she came to Lingbei this time. She only stayed with Nangong Yi alone and walked around from morning to night. When it got dark, Caiwei let the man enter the space, and she rode on the white-haired tiger, flying all the way south towards Dajin...

The white-haired tiger couldn't run to the capital overnight, so they had to stop for a day on the way. Caiwei decided that the next stop would be Mujia Village in Qingyun Town.

Although she traveled through time, she inherited the memory of the original Mu Caiwei and had extremely deep feelings and impressions of Mujia Village. Mujia Village was the place where she was born and raised, so she has always cared about this place in her heart. She really wanted her children to see the place where she was born, and by the way, she could help a bunch of people here get rich and become well-off.

After running around for most of the night, Caiwei arrived at her former residence in Mujia Village at five o'clock and found her old house.

Her old house was destroyed when she had a fight with Tianjizi. At that time, all the houses in the village were damaged to varying degrees. She funded the construction of new houses for the villagers, and the money was robbed from the Lu family. , borrowing the name from Nangong Yi’s donation.

The villagers were grateful for her kind deed. After the completion of their house, they spontaneously raised funds to build a three-room brick house on the site of her house. For two years, her house has been cleaned and cleaned by the women in the village in turns. Therefore, when Caiwei arrived home, there was no dust deposited by people who had not been there for a long time, nor was it cold and uninhabited. Instead, the windows were open. It's clean and tidy, and there are a few pots of green plants on the windowsill.

Returning to her former home, Caiwei felt a little emotional in her heart. When she first arrived here, the feeling of extreme hunger and the sight of her relatives who looked like they were dying of hunger left such a deep impression on her that she would never forget it. .

After entering the house, she took a brief look at her new home. This home was completely different from the old one. The original home was a low thatched house, which was in tatters and there was nothing decent inside. furniture; and the current home is a brick house with green halls and tiles, with all the furniture and utensils. Although it is not high-end things, in the countryside, these things are already very good.

Moreover, there is actually a piece of glass installed on the window of the house, which only wealthy families can afford. Although only one piece is installed, and the rest is covered with window paper, this piece alone is worth ten taels of silver. It can be seen that, How grateful the villagers were to her.

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