Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1690 Return to Mu Village (2)

She looked at the space with her inner vision, and saw that the man and the buns were still eating breakfast warmly as they had yesterday, so she also ducked in.

Nangong Yi in the space doesn't know the situation outside. What time is it now? Where are you? He didn't know anything, but when he saw Caiwei coming in, he subconsciously knew that he had arrived at the station.

He stood up, came over to help her take off her two thick coats, and said in a warm voice: "Madam, thank you for your hard work. Go wash your hands and eat!"

The children were also very happy to see Caiwei. They all opened their fat and short arms and greeted her babblingly. Caiwei pinched the tip of Mingzhu's round little nose and said with a smile: "Don't say hello." No, please eat well first, and later Mom will take you to see the place where Mom lived since she was a child."

"Are you in Mujiacun?" Nangong Yi asked.

Caiwei said "hmm" and said: "I want to use the food harvested in the space to make seeds for the people in the village, so that they can all get more food and become rich sooner.  "

"That's a good idea."

Nangong Yi also agreed with Caiwei's approach: "It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. It is much more meaningful to give them seeds and let them create their own wealth than to give them money and let them enjoy the gains!"

Nowadays, many state capitals near the outskirts of Beijing have begun to plant seeds produced in space. After a year of experiments, he found that the yield of crops grown from space seeds is one third more than those grown from ordinary seeds, and The food grown is also more fragrant than that grown from ordinary seeds. Therefore, after approving the memorial every day, he actively planted corn, wheat, sorghum and other crops in space. He planned to promote space seeds nationwide tomorrow so that all the people would harvest more and become rich. When the people become rich, the people will naturally also As long as they live and work in peace and contentment, the Jin Kingdom will naturally become rich and powerful.

After breakfast, Caiwei was chased by the man and went back to her bedroom to sleep. The man went to the woods with a few buns just like yesterday...

Three or four hours later, Caiwei had had enough sleep and left the space with her man and three buns, appearing in her home.

As soon as the buns arrived in the new environment, they immediately opened their big eyes like black grapes and looked at the surrounding environment curiously. Caiwei hugged them to the kang and said softly: "This is the place where my mother has lived since she was a child. This is A house was built from the back. The house that the mother lived in before was much worse than this one, and there was nothing in it. The mother also often didn't have enough to eat at that time, unlike the babies who could eat a lot every day. Good stuff..."

Nangong Yi listened quietly to Caiwei talking to the children. When he heard Caiwei talking about how she took the risk of going to the mountains to hunt wild boars alone in the middle of the night, he couldn't help showing a distressed look.

He asked: "Is that what happened when you first came to this world?"

Caiwei nodded and said calmly: "Well, I left the same night I came here. I can't help it. There is nothing to eat at home. If I don't go, I will have to starve to death again!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yi felt distressed again. He walked to Caiwei, gently held her in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry..."


Caiwei raised her eyes in surprise and looked up at his handsome face, not understanding why he wanted to apologize to her.

Nangong Yi explained: "I didn't know you had suffered so much, but when I saw you back then, I always bullied you. You must have hated me then..."

Caiwei smiled. When they first met, he did bully her. However, she was not the kind of person who cared about everything and was petty. That kind of bullying was nothing in her eyes. She didn't expect that the man would let go. In the heart.

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