Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1691 Return to Mu Village (3)

However, since the man had said so, she took advantage of the situation to be pretentious, stretched out her slender jade fingers, poked his solid chest muscles, and said, "It's good that you know you were wrong. I was so miserable back then, and you still bullied me." You are so inhumane!"

Nangong Yi buried his face in the crook of her neck, rubbed it, and said in a low voice: "Weier, I will make it up to you. "

"How to compensate?"

Caiwei looked at her with a smile on her face, her eyes full of cunning smiles.

Nangong Yi said: "I will be good to you all my life. Even in the next life, as long as I can meet you, I will continue to be good to you. If God favors us and we can meet and stay together for life after life, I will stay with you forever." I will cherish you, treat you well, love you, and always treat you as the treasure in my hand, how wonderful!"

Hearing the man's touching confession, Caiwei was moved to tears. She leaned into his arms and said gently but firmly: "The two of us will be together..."

The three buns were sitting on the kang, with their big, clear and cute eyes open, looking at their parents hugging each other tightly, not separated for a long time...

Today, it happened to be Aunt Mu's turn to clean up the house for Caiwei's family. When her footsteps came in, Caiwei and Nangong Yi hurriedly separated. Aunt Mu opened the door and saw the family in the house. When I was in person, I was shocked.

"Oh my mother, Wei'er, why did you come back so quietly?"

Caiwei smiled softly and said, "I have nothing to do. Let's go home and see. How are my aunt and third uncle always doing?"

Caiwei was just asking politely. In fact, she didn’t need to ask. She could tell just by looking at her that Third Aunt Mu was not doing well at all. She had aged a lot after not seeing her for a year. She was less than forty years old. Her hair was actually gray, her cheeks were deeply sunken, and there was no color at all. She looked like an old lady in her fifties or sixties.

Third Aunt Mu smiled bitterly and said, "Hey, forget about aunt, are your parents okay?" As she spoke, her eyes had already fallen on the three buns. She smiled lovingly and said, "These three are the little prince and the Little princess, right? Tsk, she’s so pretty!"

Caiwei said: "Both my parents are fine. I just miss you and my third uncle all the time. My mother was nagging me a few days ago, asking when you can move to the capital again."

Then he pointed to several buns and introduced them one by one: "This is the eldest Jin'er of my family, this is the second oldest Mingzhu, and this is the third youngest Yu'er. They are triplets, and they are all over ten months old now." Oh, by the way, Lian'er has given birth too, I wonder if it's a boy or a girl? Is the baby okay?"

Mentioning Lian'er, Aunt Mu's eyes suddenly turned red, and her withered face was stained with deep sadness. She sniffed and said intermittently: "Don't mention Lian'er, my Lian'er... is dead. Already..."

Caiwei was shocked: "Why did he die so peacefully? But what happened to Ji Wanfu?"

The third aunt shook her head and said with tears, "It wasn't him who did it, but it was almost the same. When I gave birth to the baby for him... my blood collapsed. I struggled for a day and a night, and finally gave birth to a girl and passed away. Alas... ."

As she spoke, she began to cry with sobs. When she heard that Cai Lian was dead, Cai Wei was not very happy. Although Cai Lian had repeatedly disappointed her in the last two years, after all, they had grown up playing together. She was a friend. She still remembered Lian'er's kindness to her when she was a child. Now they were separated from her forever, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable in her heart!

"You also know what kind of son-in-law she found. When that beast saw that Lian'er was dead, he and his mother took advantage of the chaos and stole the five hundred taels of silver you brought us, as well as some of the money we saved. Ti Ji, ran away overnight, not even wanting the children. Fortunately, your third uncle, I, and the crafts you taught us are still here. Now, although we can no longer live as prosperous a life as in the capital, we can at least have enough to eat. As for being hungry..."

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