Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1697: Never give up. Update (4)

They were still in the car, but there was no cold outside. The man felt more confident and quickly stripped off her clothes. He couldn't even take off a strand of her clothes in the blink of an eye. He hugged her and couldn't wait to get to the point.

The carriage trembled, and waves of ambiguous sounds came from inside, lasting for a long time...

An hour later, the car finally calmed down. Caiwei was so tired that she seemed to fall apart. She slumped in the car and didn't want to move. Especially her waist, which felt like it was about to break, was in excruciating pain.

Nangong Yi stood up without changing his expression, his heart not beating, and took her out to the hot spring to take a bath. Caiwei was secretly depressed. They were both human beings. Why was there such a big difference in physical strength between men and women?

After a violent ups and downs, she took a hot hot spring bath, and there was someone taking care of her. This feeling was so comfortable...

Caiwei sat in the hot spring, closed her eyes, and hummed comfortably. She was just humming, but suddenly she felt something was wrong.

She opened her eyes suddenly, looked down at the restless big hand below her, and said angrily: "Nangong Yi, what are you doing?"

Nangong Yi said without changing his expression: "I'll help you take a bath!"

Caiwei gritted her teeth and said, "Take your claws away, you are clearly seeking public benefit for your own benefit!"

Nangong Yi made a serious face: "My husband was kind enough to help you take a bath, but you wronged me like this. Since it's hard to be a good person, I won't be such a good person anymore. "

As he said that, he picked her up and walked out of the hot spring with a "swish" sound, and went straight to the small resting couch beside the hot spring. He put her on the couch and covered her with her involuntarily...

"Nangong Yi, you bastard..."

Caiweigen yelled and cursed, but she had no strength left at all. Her soft voice didn't sound like she was accusing her, but rather like she was coquettishly coquettish. This made the man even more excited and his movements became larger. , which made Caiwei blush and beg for mercy. He didn't let her go until she fainted completely...

I don’t know how long it took, but she finally woke up. She was woken up by hunger. She got up, supported her waist, and went outside to find something to eat. At this time, the man had already eaten with the children and was in high spirits. Take the kids to play in the space.

Seeing that Caiwei had woken up, Nangong Yi showed a harmless smile and said, "Madam, are you awake? The food is ready and we have finished eating. You can go and eat by yourself!"

Caiwei glared at him, held her waist, and went to the kitchen...

Originally, Caiwei planned to go to the town to see Aunt Zhou's family, but unexpectedly this embarrassing thing happened midway. Although she still had time, she couldn't go, otherwise, with her walking posture, she would suddenly Then people can see what she just did!

Hey, I can’t afford to lose this person!

As a result, the original plan had to be changed and the plan to go to Qingyun Town was cancelled.


Caiwei spent the whole afternoon in the space with the father and son. The time spent together as a family was happy. Caiwei lay on the big bed and told them stories, telling them "The Little Gekko Borrows" The story of "Tail".

After the story was told, the children listened with gusto, and their father was also very fascinated. What Caiwei didn't expect was that Nangong Yi had never seen a gecko, and didn't know that such a creature existed. He couldn't help but be very interested in the fact that his tail could actually regenerate. He murmured that when he returned to the capital, he would definitely ask someone to catch a gecko for him to see.

Caiwei saw that he was curious, so she got up and drew a gecko for him. She also said: "Although the gecko is just an insignificant little animal in nature, it is indeed a kind of affectionate and righteous animal, even to a certain extent." From a practical point of view, he is more humane than human beings."

She remembered that she had read a report before, saying that a gecko was mistakenly nailed to one side of the wall when a family was renovating it. In order to take care of it, another gecko had been looking for food and drink for it for many years. To let it continue to live, she couldn't remember whether the other gecko was the lover of the nailed gecko, its parents, or its child, but this spirit of perseverance really moved her and made her She had a deep affection for this little animal.

Therefore, when I was painting Nangong Yi, I told this matter.

After hearing this, Nangong Yi said seriously: "If you were the gecko nailed to the wall, I would take good care of you like the other gecko and never leave you until my life disappears." until……"

When he said this, Caiwei had already finished the painting. Although Caiwei was moved when she heard the man's words, she still wanted to tease him, so she raised the painting in her hand and said in a wicked way: "What if I grow up?" Now that you're like this, will you still stick to me?"

In the painting, an ugly gecko lies there, resembling the "dinosaur" that men in previous lives described as ugly women.

Nangong Yi's mouth twitched. The things in the painting were not of the same type as her at all. How could they be compared?

Seeing the man twitching his lips and saying nothing, Caiwei continued to ask, "Tell me, if I become like this, will you still like me?"

Nangong Yi said with a dark face, "Don't make those unrealistic comparisons. You are a good person, why would you compare yourself to such a disgusting thing?"

Caiwei looked at her painting and murmured: "What's so disgusting? How cute. If you become like this, I will definitely treat you well..."

The man was stunned and looked at her blankly, but then she continued: "I will keep you in a glass tank, send someone to catch flies and mosquitoes for you to eat every day, and find you a female gecko, and then Let you live in love with each other for the rest of your life. Oh, by the way, aren't you addicted to that thing? I will find you a beautiful female gecko and let her accompany you to do that thing every day..."

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