Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1698 The Shen family enters Beijing (1)

On November 9th, after more than a month of traveling, Master Shen and his family finally arrived in the capital as scheduled. On the day of arrival, Master Shen went to his office to report. When Juhua and her mother came in, they took their servants with them. After arriving at the new residence assigned to Lord Shen by the court, he was busy inspecting the new residence and settling in the cages and servants.

The Jin Dynasty explicitly stipulates that for officials of the fifth rank or above, including the fifth rank, the width of the main hall of their residence shall not exceed five rooms, and the depth shall not exceed nine bays. It can be made into an I-shaped hall, built on the top of the mountain, and decorated with hanging fish, grass, etc.; For residences of officials below the sixth rank (including the sixth rank) to civilians, the main hall can only be three rooms wide and four to five bays deep. Only overhanging gable roofs can be used, and no decoration is allowed.

However, the house assigned to the Shen family clearly exceeded the specifications of a sixth-grade official. Not only was the main hall of the house more than three rooms wide, but it was also built on the top of the mountain and decorated with hanging fish, grass and other decorations. Mrs. Shen Cui Seeing such specifications, Mr. Shi was frightened for a while and did not dare to move rashly. He did not dare to untie the box and salute or anything else. He only waited for Mr. Shen to come back in the evening before making a decision.

Waiting until night, Mr. Shen returned drunk from the meal. According to the boy who served him, it was his colleagues in the ministry who helped him. Everyone took turns to persuade him to drink, so he drank too much!

Mr. Shen was so drunk that he couldn't wake up. It was already late and he refused to make the decision. Ms. Cui had no choice but to order her servants to take out their luggage and get ready for bed.

next day

After Mr. Shen got up, Mrs. Cui told him about the situation of the mansion. Mr. Shen was shocked after hearing this. He hurriedly got up and looked around in the front and back. Sure enough, he saw that his mansion exceeded the standards for a sixth-grade official. He was frightened. He broke out in a cold sweat and hurried to the Ministry of Finance to inquire.

The officials from the Ministry of Revenue treated him extremely politely and explained in a pleasant manner that although officials' residences at all levels had certain specifications and regulations, they were not absolute. Sometimes the official residence was not enough, so they had to live elsewhere temporarily. For example, the sixth-grade house that Mr. Shen should live in is no longer available in the public middle school, so he can only temporarily live in the house of a fifth-grade official transferred from outside, and wait for the sixth-grade house to be vacated in the future. Come out and let him move over.

"However, maybe by the time there is an empty house, you will have been promoted to the fifth rank!" the official from the Ministry of Revenue said with a smile, and his attitude was extremely kind.

Although Mr. Shen has been an official for many years, he has been an official in a small place like Qingxian County, so he does not understand the rules of the capital. After hearing what the people from the Ministry of Revenue said, he believed it and sent people back with relief to tell his wife and daughter to open the door. Salute and settle in peacefully...

Juhua finally settled in the capital. Within a few days, she couldn't stay at home anymore and ran out all day long because she had been attracted by the prosperity and wealth of the capital. She felt itchy if she didn't go out for a day. Gotta panic.

It is winter at this time, there are no special attractions, but there are many time-honored shops selling pastries and melons, jewelry and fabrics, rouge and gouache, as well as gold and silver buildings. Juhua has gained a lot of experience now. From morning to Wandering around at night, whether buying anything or not, it was just an eye-opener.

There are too many wonderful and novel things on the street that are not seen in Qingxian County. For example, there is a wooden car driving on the street. This kind of car has two wheels and does not require an ox or horse to drive. It only needs one person to sit on it. It is really interesting to pedal on the pedals, and the chain on the pedals can drive the wheels to rotate and make the car move.

Also, there were many men on the street who had a gag stuffed in their mouths. They took it out when they were talking and put it back in when they weren't talking. She secretly asked someone about it, and they told her that it was called a cigar and was made of wood. Like cars, they were both invented by Eunuch Liu and were very popular in the capital. The wealthy and powerful children in the capital all regarded owning a good car and being able to smoke cigars as fashionable. Those who did not know how to ride a bicycle or did not own a car , and people who don’t know how to smoke cigars will be regarded as ignorant and outdated!

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