Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1699 The Shen family enters Beijing (2)

Juhua was shocked when she heard about it. She didn't expect Liu Xi to be so capable and invent such interesting things. It seemed that she had underestimated him before!

She is very fond of this kind of vehicle called a bicycle. Although she does not lack a few hundred taels of silver to buy a bicycle, she is a woman and riding such a bicycle would be very uncivilized. Although her father and mother dote on her, they will not allow her to do so. Doing something immoral like riding a bicycle.

Therefore, although she liked it, she couldn't buy it, so she had to suppress her eager thoughts...

Time flies so fast, and it’s already mid-December in a blink of an eye.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi had returned to the capital a long time ago. As soon as they came back, Caiwei was busy investigating who transferred Lord Shen to the capital. The results of the investigation were exactly as she expected. It was indeed the work of Duke Li Guo.

However, she had already made an agreement with Nangong Yi not to interfere with Duke Li's Mansion and show her goodwill to the Shen family and Juhua. However, if Juhua did not want to marry to Duke Li's Mansion, Duke Li was not allowed to use his power to force others to marry. Chrysanthemum, otherwise she will take action.

Because of this agreement, Caiwei never saw Juhua. Instead, she sent Yingge to keep an eye on her secretly to see what would happen in Duke Li's mansion. However, what surprised her was that after the Juhua family came to Beijing, more than a month had passed, but there was no movement at all from the Liguo Palace. Not to mention showing kindness to the Shen family, they didn't even see Juhua.

This doesn't make sense. Since they had come all the way to bring Chrysanthemum to the capital, why did they avoid it? Could it be that you are dissatisfied with something about Chrysanthemum? Don’t you want chrysanthemums? Or is it that Mo Zili can't forget Xiangyun and refuses to marry Juhua?

In fact, Duke Li's mansion did not summon Juhua, not because Xiang Caiwei guessed, but because everyone in the mansion was not in the mood to deal with her right now.

Not long after the death of Empress Dowager Mo, Duke Li and his wife were immersed in the pain of losing their daughter. They both fell ill. Although they were not seriously ill, they were so upset that they were not in the mood to see her at all. The reason why Mo Qingshan and his wife did not see her was because of a more important matter - Mo Zili was ill!

According to the report from Feige, the hidden guard who was hiding next to Mo Zili, on that day, in order to save the young lady of the Shen family, Mr. Li jumped off the cliff alone and rescued Miss Shen in the waterfall. Later, the hidden guard once had a relationship with Mo Zili. He lost contact, and when we found him again, he was in a Dragon King Temple in the mountains. At that time, it had been two or three days since Mr. Li jumped off a cliff to save someone. Mr. Li was unconscious in the ruined temple. I don't know how long he had been unconscious. , if they hadn't found him in time, they might have been in trouble.

Mo Zili's body had been frostbitten when he and Xiangyun reconciled a year ago, which caused him to suffer from cold. After falling into the water, he failed to dry himself and keep warm in time, and even went outside to look for food. He was severely injured again. He was freezing hard, so his condition became more serious. Although he didn't get sick at the time, the illness that developed later became even more ferocious. If he hadn't been found by the hidden guards, he would have been buried in the wilderness!

Because Mo Zili was too ill to work hard, the hidden guards took him back to the nearby Bianzhou Mansion to recuperate, and spread the news of his serious illness back to the capital.

When Bai and Mo Qingshan learned that their precious son was seriously ill and their liver was about to be removed, they immediately rushed to Bianzhou and had no time to pay attention to the chrysanthemum.

Therefore, until now, Duke Li's Mansion has not made any move. Seeing that there was no movement in Duke Li's Mansion for a long time, Caiwei thought that they had given up the idea, so on the first day of the year, she summoned Juhua and Cui into the palace. , summoned them in Shouxian Palace.

Yuan Day is New Year's Day, also called Wushuo, Wuchen, Yuanzheng, etc., which means the beginning of the year. Because the original meaning of "Yuan" is "head", it is extended to "beginning". The original meaning of "Dan" is also "beginning". According to the rules of the Jin Dynasty, on this day, all the unmarried ladies of the Jin Dynasty, including princesses, princesses, county heads, and princesses, will come to the palace to congratulate the queen. And the rich ladies from the families of first- and second-grade officials.

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