Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1700 The Shen family enters Beijing (3)

When Juhua and her mother were brought into the palace, the noble ladies had already arrived. Under the leadership of the eunuchs and palace maids, the mother and daughter entered the majestic palace, with its towering palaces and magnificent pavilions. Every part of the terraces and pavilions was splendid and magnificent, leaving the mother and daughter stunned and dumbfounded, leaving only awe and admiration.

When he entered Shouxian Palace and saw Caiwei, he was shocked again.

In the past, they all met Caiwei in Qing County. Although they already knew that Caiwei was the Queen, Caiwei had always been like a girl next door, dressed in ordinary clothes and with a kind attitude, so they Although they knew she was the queen, they never knew how high and high the queen was and how far away from their lives they were.

It was only now that they saw Caiwei's solemn demeanor and majestic formation with their own eyes, and then they deeply realized their previous mistakes. The empress's majesty and supreme status in the world were something they should always look up to.

The eunuch led the mother and daughter into the resplendent and fragrant Shouxian Palace. They saw many beautiful girls in the palace, some dressed as princesses, and some as princesses and county princesses. The princess's clothes, as well as the daughters of the first and second-rank officials in the court, all wore court clothes and carried priceless pearls and jade jewelry. They sat respectfully on both sides of Caiwei, all of them cautious and breathless. No one dares to make any noise!

Caiwei, on the other hand, was wearing a multicolored nine-tailed phoenix robe with golden embroidery and wide sleeves, and an eight-treasure gold-beaded phoenix crown with five phoenixes holding beads on her head. She was holding a jade ruyi in her hand, sitting upright on a bed covered with bright yellow cushions. On the throne, accept everyone's worship.

This image is very different from the image of Caiwei in their impressions. If the person on the throne had not had the same face as in their impressions, Cui and Juhua would have almost not dared to recognize her. That one was so superior, Could the empress, who was so well-mannered, really be the gentle, intelligent, maverick Caiwei they saw in Qingxian on weekdays?

At this moment, the couple no longer dared to treat Caiwei with the same casual attitude as they did in Qing County. Under the guidance of the eunuch, they respectfully stepped forward and knelt on the ground to say hello to Caiwei.

Caiwei accepted their gifts calmly. After the ceremony, she was helped up and arranged for them to sit next to her.

Being able to sit next to the Queen is a great favor. Although Juhua and her daughter are from the remote north and do not understand the rules of the capital, they can still see the envy and jealousy of the rich ladies. got it!

At this time, there was already a girl sitting next to Caiwei. She must be a noble woman favored by the Queen. The girl was very beautiful and elegantly dressed. After seeing the chrysanthemum, she was startled for a moment, and then With a pair of beautiful big eyes, she kept looking at the chrysanthemums, with a bit of surprise on her face.

She couldn't stand the sight of Juhua, but now everyone was holding their breath and listening to the Queen's lecture. She didn't dare to say anything. She only looked back at the girl for a few times and then lowered her head.

On the throne, Caiwei said gently but without losing her majesty: "Today is the first day of the year, and there will be a banquet to celebrate in the Lunli Palace. But as you all know, the Queen Mother is newly deceased, and the Emperor is pure filial piety, and ordered the people of the Jin Dynasty to observe filial piety for three years." , banquets, singing and dancing are not allowed for three years, and marriages and celebrations are not allowed for three months. Therefore, today everyone got up early to come to congratulate you, and I can only treat you to a cup of tea to do my part. I hope everyone will be considerate of me."

After listening to the Queen's words, the princesses, princesses and young ladies present all stood up and said, "Your Majesty is pure, filial and kind, and sets an example for all people in the world. It is the blessing of the Jin Dynasty and the blessing of the people! I, Women have learned a lesson!"

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