Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1701 The Shen family enters Beijing (4)

Juhua saw everyone stood up and saluted. She also quickly got up and followed everyone else's footsteps. The girl who had been staring at her took advantage of everyone's salutes to Caiwei and whispered: "What's your name? Which family are you from?"

The woman's voice was clear and sweet, and she smiled when she spoke, showing two cute tiger teeth.

Just after asking, everyone had already bowed, and Caiwei gave her a new seat. Juhua had no chance to answer her, so she had to look at Caiwei with her eyes, indicating that it was inconvenient for her to speak, and then lowered her head again.

The girl didn't ask anything, pouted, and continued to look at the chrysanthemum curiously.

Just when Juhua was looking at her and she wanted to run away, Caiwei ordered everyone to disperse, leaving only Juhua and Cui.

The girl followed the other princesses, bowed to Caiwei, and quietly retreated in order. After everyone left, Caiwei smiled, turned to Juhua and said, "Why are you so quiet today? I've never known you before." You, I have never seen you behave so well, but the sun is shining in the west today?"

After hearing Caiwei's joke, Mrs. Cui smiled awkwardly and said shyly: "Your Majesty, you are joking. In the past, it was because we were ignorant and did not know the rules in the palace. Now that we have seen it, we will never dare to be rude again." , offended you. "

Hearing this, Caiwei frowned and said, "What are you talking about, aunt? We have known each other since we were young, and our love is unparalleled by others. If aunt separated from me because of our status difference, I would really How unhappy are you!"

When talking to them, Caiwei even called herself "me", which shows how much she values ​​them. Cui and Juhua were very moved and hurriedly agreed. To be able to get along with the Queen as equals as friends is something that no one could ask for even if they held up a lantern!

"Okay, just as you said, we will get along with each other as before!"

Just as he was talking, the eunuch from outside came to report: "Queen, Miss Mo wants to see you."

Caiwei said: "Didn't she leave? Why did she come back again?"

The eunuch said: "I also asked, and the eldest lady said that she wanted to meet the Queen's guest."

Hearing this, Caiwei said, "Go and tell her. Just say that I have something to do and it's not convenient to see her. Let her go back first."

Mo Shuya suddenly asked to get to know Juhua. It was simply because Juhua looked similar to Xiangyun. She didn't like others to get to know Juhua as someone else's substitute. Chrysanthemum is chrysanthemum. If it were someone else's substitute, she would never agree.

Juhua listened to the conversation between Caiwei and the eunuch and said, "Is that Miss Mo the girl with tiger teeth who was sitting next to me just now? She was staring at me just now, and I don't know why. , looking at me as if I were seeing a monkey, looking very surprised!"

Hearing the metaphor of chrysanthemums, Caiwei twitched the corners of her mouth twice and said, "Don't worry about her reasons. You are my friend. No matter what, no one else can plot against you!"

After hearing this, Ms. Cui said knowingly: "Thank you for your protection. Speaking of which, we and I are really lucky to be able to make friends with you in this life. If it weren't for you, we would have been in such a miserable state now!"

Mrs. Cui's words were not compliments to Caiwei, but words from the bottom of her heart. If Caiwei hadn't discovered Aunt Yan's scheme first, Magistrate Shen would still favor Aunt Yan and abuse their mother and daughter. How could they have such glorious and respectable days as their mother and daughter?

Caiwei smiled and said: "Auntie, please don't say that. The reason why I value you is because you and Juhua have good character. Otherwise, I would not want to be with someone with bad character even if they get to know me." The intersection!"

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