Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1702 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land (1)

In the Shouxian Palace, Caiwei, Mrs. Shen, Cui and Juhua, sat together and chatted leisurely about home affairs. During the chat, Caiwei seemed to have accidentally mentioned Juhua's marriage to Cui.

In total, Juhua is already seventeen years old this year. In this world, most girls of this age are already married and have children. Like Caiwei, she is younger than Juhua, but her child can already call her mother, so Juhua’s marriage It’s time to put it on the agenda.

After hearing Caiwei's question, Mrs. Cui said seriously: "As you know, my mother, her father and I have only one child, Juhua, so our intention is not to ask her to get married, but to raise a child." Having a son-in-law at home will, firstly, continue the incense of the Shen family and inherit the ancestral family business; secondly, it will also provide our husband and wife with someone to rely on when we grow old, and we will have someone to offer sacrifices after our death; thirdly, Chrysanthemum has a simple mind, and if she marries into someone else's family, she is afraid that she After being wronged, I regretted it so much, so we discussed it and wanted to choose a good son-in-law who has a clean family background and is upright and upright. However, it is not easy to choose such a person, so we have been selecting. It is under investigation and has not yet been decided.  "

After hearing this, Caiwei felt that what they were considering was reasonable, but in this case, the Liguo Palace would be out of business. The Shen family wanted to recruit a son-in-law, and Mo Zili was the only bloodline of the second family. In any case, the Liguo Palace They would not allow their own children to marry into other families, let alone their Mo family bloodlines to bear other people's surnames and worship other people's ancestors!

However, she still tried and asked the Duke's office: "If a noble family falls in love with Chrysanthemum, and wants to know that the matchmaker is marrying him, he proposes to marry Chrysanthemum. What should Auntie and Master Shen do?"

Cui said sternly: "No matter what kind of family he is, we will never marry our daughter off, unless their children can marry into my family, and the children born will bear the surname of my Shen family. However, I don't expect that there will be any." Which noble family should let their children marry into their wives!"

Mrs. Cui knew that Caiwei's relationship with the Mo family was probably to cut off the thoughts of Duke Li Guo's family, so she made it very clear that no matter what kind of family proposed marriage, the Shen family would never agree unless The son of that family married into a wife.

After hearing this, Caiwei concluded that Juhua and Mo Zili were completely out of the question, so she didn't say anything more.

When Juhua and her daughter came out of the palace, Caiwei rewarded them with a nine-nine fruit box and sent the eunuch Zhu Shun to see them off.

The Nine-Nine Fruit Box is a three-layer fruit box made of red lacquered peach wood. When you open the drawer of the food box, you will find some fruits on each layer. Nine is an auspicious number. There are nine kinds of dried fruits in the fruit box. Each fruit has an auspicious intention. Longans, chestnuts, lotus seeds, grapes, lychees, ginkgo, white dates, pine nuts, longevity fruits, no more, no less, nine of each kind, so it is called the nine-nine fruit box.

Seeing the exquisiteness of the nine-nine fruit box, Juhua guessed that the contents inside must be delicious, so she happily hugged the fruit box and followed her mother out of the palace under the guidance of the eunuch who had arrived.

When he walked to the Zhengyang Gate, the last gate outside the palace, a soft sedan with a tassel canopy was already waiting there. Zhu Shun whispered softly: "The Za family can only send Mrs. Shen, Miss Shen, here. You two will sit in this car in a while." When the sedan leaves the palace, your family's carriages and horses are waiting for you two outside!"

Mrs. Cui said politely: "Thank you for your advice, father-in-law. I'm sorry for your trouble." As she said that, she put a heavy purse into Zhu Shun's hand. Zhu Shun took it with a smile and said: "Madam, you are too polite." However, you are the queen's guest, so I can serve you. It is my blessing!"

As he was speaking, he suddenly suppressed his smile, bent down respectfully, and called out softly: "General——"

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