Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1708 The selection of a new wife (2)

Mo Shuya was a filial child. Naturally, she was worried about her great-grandmother's poor health. She always wanted to make her great-grandmother happy. Today she saw Shen Juhua and saw how similar she was to Wu Xiangyun, so she couldn't wait I ran to tell my great-grandmother so that she would be happy when she knew it.

You must know that the reason why great-grandmother has always been in bad health, apart from the death of the queen mother, is that uncle Zili is desperate and refuses to return home. If Uncle Zili really likes this young lady who looks like Wu Xiangyun and can marry her home, he will definitely be able to stay at home honestly. In that case, great-grandmother will be relieved and her health will be better. Getting better.

When she returned to Duke Li Guo's mansion, the old lady was leaning on the Babu bed, asking Ms. Yang about the little baby.

"How many times has Brother Bao been breastfed? Has he ever cried? Is it safe to breastfeed his vagina..."

Brother Bao is the son of the Yang family and the eldest grandson of Duke Li. He is very valuable!

The eldest lady Wu smiled and said to her daughter-in-law: "Since the old lady is thinking about it, you can send someone to bring Brother Bao and show it to the old lady. The old lady is worried about it."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yang stood up and said respectfully, "Yes!"

Because she finally gave birth to her son, the mountain that was weighing on Yang was finally lifted. Today, she is much fatter than before, her personality is not as cautious and timid as before, and she talks a lot more than before. : "My granddaughter-in-law, please go and bring Brother Bao over to show the old lady, so that the old lady won't have to worry about it."

After hearing this, the old lady hurriedly said: "Don't go. The little baby who has just lost her fetus is very delicate. Don't toss him back and forth in the cold weather. If he gets hit by the wind and gets typhoid fever, will he?" Isn’t it my fault as an old woman?”

Although Ms. Yang was reluctant to toss her child back and forth, she smiled generously and said, "Look at what the old lady said, why is he so delicate? Besides, with the old lady's blessing, I think it will be fine."

Although he said this, his feet did not move. Mrs. Wu also felt sorry for her grandson, so she said: "Since the old lady said so, don't hug him. The New Year is about to come, and if the wind really blows him, the old lady will be upset again!" "

The old lady and mother-in-law both spoke, and Mrs. Yang sat down again, still laughing to herself: "Brother Bao has really fallen into a pile of blessings. There is an old lady who loves him so much, even a mother like me." He can't even catch up. When he grows up tomorrow, I have to educate him well so that he can respect his great-grandmother and grandmother!"

Just as they were talking lively, Mo Shuya walked in with a flurry of life-long chill. Before greeting the old lady, Ms. Yang scolded her: "You girl, why are you so rash again? The old lady's body is like this." It's been just two days, and you still can't bear the trouble. Why don't you go to the side building to warm yourself up before coming back? With this coldness all over your body, what if the coldness invades the old lady?"

Mo Shuya stuck out her tongue, quickly retreated to the door, and said, "Oh, I was so busy thinking about things that I forgot about this. I really deserve a beating!"

The old lady smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not Brother Bao, I'm not that delicate. Sister Ya, come over here and warm yourself by the fire. It's very cold outside!"

Mo Shuya took off her big-haired cloak and gave it to the maid. Then she ran to the charcoal basin and roasted it for a long time before she dared to go to the old lady and salute her. She also saluted Mrs. Wu and her mother, Mrs. Yang. Lian Fei The son also accepted her gift.

Although Feier is not much different from her in age, the seniority of the two people is there. Feier is her serious second aunt, so every time she sees Feier, she must be respectful. He saluted and shouted: "Second Aunt!"

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