Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1709 The selection of a new wife (3)

Of course, this was all in front of the old lady and his wife. In private, the two of them were as good as sisters, and there was no way they were so respectful and polite in front of others.

Feier smiled and said, "Excuse me. Let me tell you. What big thing were you thinking about when you entered the house? Did you encounter something new and strange when you entered the palace?"

Shu Ya said: "I really asked you to guess, everyone, guess who I met when I entered the palace?"

This question is not easy to guess. There are hundreds of noble ladies entering the palace today. Where can you guess who you will meet? The old lady smiled and said: "Zuo is just a bunch of princesses, princesses, county lords and rich ladies. Is it possible that they will meet the Supreme Lord?"

The words made everyone laugh.

Mo Shuya also laughed: "It's just the old lady's wit. Forget it, you can't guess it anyway, so I'll tell you!"

After saying that, she rolled her big eyes, laughed "haha" twice, and said, "I met that Shen Juhua today, the one for whom my third uncle jumped off a cliff. Hey! Don't say that." , she does look a bit like our previous Aunt Xiangyun, and her demeanor is even more similar, no wonder Third Uncle even risked his life for her!"

"Sister, is it really that similar? Have you talked to her? What did you say?"

The person who asked the question was the second young lady Mo Shuzhen. She is a child at an age where she is very curious. When she heard such gossip, her eyes lit up with excitement.

Mo Shuya said: "At that time, everyone was listening to the Queen's teachings, and I didn't dare to speak out. Later I found an opportunity to say something to her, but unfortunately she didn't reply to me. After they left, I wanted to stay for a while and say something to her. We wanted to talk and get to know each other, but the Queen didn’t allow me to stay and sent me out."

After saying that, he took Fei'er's hand and said aggrievedly: "Second Aunt, the Queen is bullying Ya'er, you have to make the decision for me!"

Fei'er was also attracted by Mo Shuya's gossip. She didn't care about Shuya's coquettishness and said, "What did you say to the lady of the Shen family? Did you pay attention and listen to her voice when she paid homage?" ? Does her voice sound like Sister Xiangyun?"

"Yes, they look alike, look alike, and if their voices are similar, it would be amazing!" Third Miss Mo Shuwen and Fourth Miss Mo Shuqi also joined in the fun and said.

Mo Shuya said: "The voices are not alike. They are not as soft as Aunt Xiangyun's voice, nor are they as sweet as Aunt Xiangyun's. It's probably because people from the north are so rough, but they only look three to four cents alike. The most similar thing is her charm, her eyes and expression, they are so similar, they are exactly the same as Aunt Xiangyun, everyone else said the same thing after seeing her!"

Before Shu Ya could finish speaking, the old lady interrupted her and said: "From now on, no one in the family will mention the Wu family again, let alone say that the Shen family girl is like her. When the Shen family girl gets married, If I hear that she was married because she looks like Xiangyun, I will feel unhappy."

As he said that, he straightened up, as if he suddenly became more energetic: "I'm pretty much feeling better these days. I'll find an excuse tomorrow to have the girl from the Shen family come into the house and show me what's going on. If There's nothing wrong, let's arrange their marriage when the boy comes back!"

Wu said: "This is a good idea, old lady. After Ya'er said this, my daughter-in-law was also very curious and wanted to meet the girl from the Wu family. However, the Queen Mother was newly mourned and the imperial court ordered that the people of the Jin Dynasty should not At parties and banquets, my daughter-in-law can't think of any reason to invite Miss Shen into the house for a while!"

The old lady said: "Then let's think about it together. Whoever thought of it, I will be rewarded heavily..."

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