Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1710 The selection of a new wife (4)

At this time, the woman outside reported again: "Old madam, the general has come in to say hello to you!"

Before he finished speaking, the door curtain had been opened, and Mo Ziqi walked in at a fast pace. After entering the room, he first greeted the old lady Wu, and then gave a half salute to Yang.

Mrs. Yang hurriedly stood up and turned sideways to return a half salute. When she finished the salute, she noticed with sharp eyes that although her brother-in-law saluted to her, his eyes fell on his wife. Then he covered his mouth with a handkerchief, coughed slightly, and said with a smile, "Is the second brother here to see my younger sister?"

When Yang said this, Fei'er blushed immediately and glanced at Mo Ziqi secretly. Mo Ziqi looked at his little wife disapprovingly, smiled, and then said, "Sister-in-law is joking, Ziqi is." I came to pay my respects to my grandmother."

The old lady was in a good mood because she heard about Shen Juhua, so she also joked about her grandson: "You came to pay my respects, but you keep staring at your wife, what does this mean?" "

Everyone laughed, Fei'er's face turned redder, and she lowered her head as low as possible, like a child who had done something wrong...

Mo Ziqi felt sorry for his daughter-in-law and said, "My grandson saw something today and came here to report it to grandma. Grandma just made fun of her, but it's better for her not to talk about it!"

"You boy, you are already a general, and you are still pretending to be cheating on your grandmother like a child. Tell me, what is going on!" The old lady was aroused by his curiosity and urged him.

Wu was also curious: "Ziqi, what is it that deserves your special attention to come over and tell the old lady?"

When Mo Ziqi saw that everyone was no longer teasing Fei'er, he stopped trying to show off and said to his mother, "When my son entered the palace today, he saw someone. Mother, do you want to know who it is?"

Mrs. Wu and the old lady said in unison: "Could it be a girl from the Shen family?"

At this moment, Mo Ziqi was embarrassed. He didn't sell the idea and was guessed at once.

"How did you know?"

Mo Shuya said proudly: "Second uncle, I saw the Shen girl earlier than you, and I even said a word to her!"

Mo Ziqi said: "Now that grandma already knows, grandson won't show off. According to grandson, the young lady of the Shen family and Zi Li are a good match. Grandma should get better quickly and plan to marry her grandson's daughter-in-law." Come on!"

Mo Ziqi is a shrewd, wise, and calm person who does not easily draw conclusions about anything. Since he can tell that the Shen girl is good, then the Shen girl must be excellent. The old lady became more and more relieved and said, "I have been feeling sorry for your aunt these days. Then my son Li fell ill and your sister-in-law gave birth. I actually ignored the Shen girl. After you reminded me, , I really have to take care of this matter quickly. , The Shen family girl is not young, it would be bad if she gets engaged to someone else before us!"

Wu said: "What the old lady said is very true. Zili has a paranoid personality. After Xiangyun left, I thought he wouldn't be able to turn around in a few years. It was so easy for God to be so kind to him. When we meet someone we like, we must not miss it!"

After a conversation, everyone nodded, and Mrs. Yang said: "Old lady, didn't you say that the Shen family girl is on good terms with the Empress? Why don't we ask the Empress to be the matchmaker and settle their marriage first, and wait until the national funeral is over? Just let Miss Shen come through!"

After hearing this, the old lady said: "Well, this is a good idea. Once I see the girls of the Shen family, I will go to the palace in person to see the Queen and discuss this matter..."

Juhua didn't know that she was already being taken care of. She happily ate, slept, and played every day, living a happy and comfortable life like a pig.

Ever since she had hot pot with her mother that day, she fell in love with this hot food and had to eat it almost every day. Mrs. Shen was not short of money and was a doting daughter. Seeing that she liked it, she sent her away. Grandma Li, the most trustworthy person around her, as well as Chrysanthemum's nannies and girls, often accompany her to eat.

On this day, Juhua came to Bafu Hotpot City as usual. As soon as she went upstairs, she met the person she hated the most - Liu Xi!

At this time, Liu Xi was walking over from the opposite side with a group of people, talking loudly, as if they were discussing about building a resort.

Juhua didn't like Liu Xi at all, but she didn't expect that Liu Xi would be accompanied by a woman today. Although the woman was born very ordinary, she was wearing extremely expensive brocade and had only one head. She was wearing a piece of jewelry, but that piece of jewelry was more expensive than others. It turned out to be a pure diamond bead flower.

Based on these two things, it is enough to conclude that this woman is definitely not a maid or a maid, otherwise she would never wear such expensive clothes and clothes. Looking at the two people walking together affectionately, she might be his sweetheart. !

Chrysanthemum felt a chill. It was so shameless for the perverted dead eunuch to find a sweetheart even though he was obviously inhumane.

He imagined wildly, and the admiration in his heart for his invention of the bicycle suddenly went to Java. When her people came face to face with Liu Xi's group, she stopped and crossed her arms proudly, showing no intention of giving way.

When Liu Xi saw her standing opposite him with an unkind expression, he quietly leaned aside to make way for her. A man who was following Liu Xi said flatteringly: "Eunuch Liu, you are so generous. Two little unknown girls are willing to make way for her. This is something ordinary people can't do."

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