Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1731 Mo Zili confesses his love (1)

Ever since she learned the other meaning of 'chrysanthemum', the person Shen Juhua didn't want to see the most was Liu Xi, because when she saw him, she would immediately think of something embarrassing.

Therefore, when she heard Liu Xi's voice, her first reaction was to escape quickly.

"Hey? Juhua, do you know Eunuch Liu too? What a coincidence!"

Mo Shuya was very familiar with Liu Xi, because Liu Xi was once her arithmetic teacher and her idol, so she was very happy to see Liu Xi, and even grabbed Juhua who was about to escape and went to greet him.

"Eunuch Liu, are you here for dinner too?"

Liu Xi smiled and said: "This small restaurant is opened by Liu. I wonder what you two think after eating it?"

"It's delicious! It's delicious! Eunuch Liu, how did you come up with the idea of ​​opening a buffet? You're so smart!"

In front of her idol, Mo Shuya completely forgot about her dissatisfaction just now. She looked at Liu Xi with stars in her eyes, her admiration was beyond words. In order to make Liu Xi believe her words, she squeezed Juhua's hand and said, "Juhua, what do you say?" , Didn’t we have a delicious meal just now?"

At this point, Juhua had no choice but to say "Hmm" in a low voice, and hummed like a mosquito: "It's delicious!"

Liu Xi said with a smile: "As long as you two are satisfied, I'm really afraid that customers who eat too much and don't eat enough will come out and complain, which will ruin the reputation of my restaurant!"

Juhua's face turned redder after hearing this. It turned out that he had heard everything and came here to retaliate against her on purpose!

This damn eunuch is so petty. Didn't he just complain a few words at the door of his house? As for coming here specifically to retaliate? Juhua was filled with hatred, but she didn't dare to offend him. If he pissed him off and revealed the other meaning of her name, she wouldn't have to hang out in the capital anymore.

At this moment, she was really resentful of the name her father had given her. If it hadn't been for this name, she would have had sex with him with her hands on her hips. Why should she have to suffer his weird ridicule?

Why! It’s so frustrating and painful to be taken advantage of by someone you hate! While he was feeling depressed and sad, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears.


When Mo Zili got off the carriage, he saw Shen Juhua standing at the door. He hadn't seen her for half a year. She had become a lot more plump, her face was rounder than before, and her complexion was better than before. But for some reason, she was now At that time, her head could not be lowered, as if she had done something wrong, which made him feel distressed just looking at her!

When Shen Juhua heard the sound and looked back, she saw Mo Zili who was much thinner and said in surprise: "Ah! Mr. Li, why are you here? Ah, you seem to have lost a lot of weight. How did you do it?" Please teach me!"

Hearing these nonsense words, Mo Zili smiled and said slowly: "Okay, why don't we find a place to talk slowly!"


Shen Juhua was so eager to lose weight that she agreed without thinking. Seeing that she agreed without thinking, Xiaokui hurriedly and secretly tugged on her sleeve and reminded her in a low voice: "Miss, didn't Madam say--" -"

Before Xiaokui finished speaking, Mo Shuya squeezed Xiaokui away, took Juhua's arm, and said, "Why don't we go to the Eight Blessings Hotpot City to eat and talk? We're not full anyway, so maybe we'll get there You can also meet the Queen there!"

Saying that, ignoring Xiaokui's eagerness, she pulled Juhua onto her carriage without any explanation. Before getting into the car, he did not forget to turn around and say to Liu Xi: "Eunuch Liu, please send someone to stay here. Auntie Zhou from the Shen Mansion will come later and tell her that her young lady has gone with me..."

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