Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1732 Mo Zili confesses his love (2)

Liu Xi looked at Ju Hua, who was dragged into the carriage by Mo Shuya, and then at Mo Zili, whose eyes were always on Ju Hua, and understood everything.

His mouth gradually opened into an "O" shape, and he was extremely surprised. This Mo Zili couldn't have fallen in love with Chrysanthemum. His affectionate eyes were so obvious that even a blind man could see it!

Mo Shuya's girl also took the opportunity to grab Xiaokui and said affectionately: "Sister Xiaokui, let's take the carriage at the back, so as not to disturb the ladies who are talking about themselves."

Juhua was pulled into the carriage in a daze. After sitting down, she realized something was wrong and said, "I remember, my mother didn't let me have contact with Mo Zili. She said she should avoid suspicion. I Better get down!"

After hearing this, Mo Shuya knocked on the hat curtain on her head and said with a smile: "With this on, who can know who you are? Is there any need to avoid it? My third uncle saved your life after all. You haven't formally thanked me yet, but now you've agreed to have dinner together, and yet you're going to let me go, chrysanthemum, you're so unjust!"

Juhua was so embarrassed by what she said, and she thought about it too. Mo Zili had sacrificed his life to save her, and she had never formally thanked him. She might as well take the opportunity to have dinner today to thank him in person, and express her gratitude to him by the way. Please tell me how to lose weight.

Thinking of this, he said cheerfully: "Okay, just go. Anyway, I'm wearing a hat and curtains, so others can't see me coming. I'm treating you today, but you can't compete with me when I pay the bill later!"

Mo Shuya said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will have a big meal today and I will make you hungry!"

In fact, today Mo Shuya was entrusted by Mo Zili and deliberately arranged for Juhua to come out. Since the fight, Mo Zili has been trapped at home by his parents to recuperate, and they have not allowed him to come out for several months. He clearly Everyone felt that his body was fine, but Judge Yao never said that he was healed. He even exaggerated, saying that he had already suffered from the disease and that it would take him a year and a half to recover.

Mo Zili gradually realized that something was wrong. He had a few available people under his command. After a little investigation, he would know what was going on.

It turned out that the family had been keeping him at home because Shen Juhua was engaged. His grandmother and parents were afraid that he would be stimulated and do something extreme, so they didn't let him go out and didn't tell him the truth.

To be honest, when he learned that Shen Juhua was engaged, he was indeed heartbroken. Although the pain was not as heart-piercing as when Xiangyun got married, it was definitely uncomfortable. However, when he heard that Juhua's fiancé was just a small shopkeeper who had married into his wife, all his uneasiness and pain immediately disappeared.

In the Jin Dynasty, under normal circumstances, a man would not easily marry into a girl's family, because once he married into a girl's family, it would be equivalent to abandoning his ancestors. This kind of abandonment of ancestors is despised by a gentleman, so, A man with integrity would rather starve to death than marry into his wife's house.

That Li Sheng was born as a scholar, and he was going to take the exams for fame in the future. However, he still married into his wife without hesitation, which proved that he was a man without backbone and blood. How could such a person be worthy of Chrysanthemum? The reason why Juhua accepted this marriage was not because she liked the poor scholar, but because she wanted to provide for her parents in their old age, so she reluctantly agreed. Therefore, this Li Sheng was not afraid at all.

At that moment, he sent someone to investigate the recent movements of the Shen family. During the investigation, he accidentally learned that his niece Mo Shuya had been very close to Shen Juhua, and he persuaded Shuya to help him meet Juhua. On the one hand, he wanted to tell Juhua clearly about his feelings for her face to face, so as not to miss her.

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