Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1736 Mo Zili confesses his love (6)

At this moment, the cafeteria was full of people. Everyone saw the scene of Jing Shizi being kicked out, and they suddenly became quiet and looked at Jing Shizi as if they were watching a show.

Being slapped in the face in public, Prince Jing's face darkened, and he shouted coldly: "Why don't you do my business? Are you afraid that I can't afford your dirty seven hundred coins?"

The waiter said: "Your Majesty, you are joking, how can the Fuguo Palace not be able to pay us the seven hundred coins? It is our boss who refuses to do your business. The boss said that your friends can stay and eat. But, you just, haha..."

He didn't say the next words, but his smile spoke for itself.

Jing Shizi was so angry that his nose was smoking. He folded his arms and sneered, "Who is your boss? Tell him to get out and see me? I want to see who is such a lowly person who dares to bully me." Prince!"

The waiter said calmly: "Our boss, the prince, probably knows him as Eunuch Liu Xi, who is next to the queen. However, our boss is busy with important things right now. He is not as free as the prince, so he has no time." See you!"

It turned out to be him?

Jing Shizi was really angry and resentful. If he had known it was him, he wouldn't have come here. He wouldn't have been slapped in the face in public, and even suffered from this eunuch's insults!

He sneered a few times, flicked his sleeves, turned around and went out. The friends who came with him relied on him to entertain guests. Seeing that all the hosts had left, it was pointless for them to stay here.

For them, seven hundred coins is not a small amount of money. No one invites them, so they themselves cannot afford this amount of money to eat and drink!

Jing Shizi walked out the door angrily. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed and angrier he became. When the friends gathered over, he gritted his teeth and said, "We won't eat at the buffet today. Let's eat something good."

Those scoundrels were upset because they couldn't eat at the buffet. When they heard what Jing Shizi said, they immediately became energetic. One of them asked: "What does the prince want to treat our brothers to?"

Jing Shizi sneered: "Eat donkey meat!"

"Hey, donkey meat is good. They say dragon meat is in heaven and donkey meat is on earth. The prince really loves our brothers!"

When a guy with a deer head and a mouse head heard that he was going to treat them to donkey meat, they all screamed with joy, and the others also followed suit.

Jing Shizi took out a gold ingot weighing four to five taels, handed it to his servant, and said: "Go to the mule and horse market to buy a donkey. Remember to castrate the donkey first. Let's hold the pot here later." , kill the gelded donkey and cook it for meat!"

The boy took the gold and left in a hurry.

When all the friends saw Jing Shizi acting like this, they knew that he was in conflict with Liu Xi. Although there was no direct conflict, killing a gelded donkey in front of Liu Xi's shop with great fanfare, wasn't it an obvious accusation?

The people who followed Jing Shizi were all scoundrels in the market and had no descendants from aristocratic families. Therefore, they did not have to worry about their father being plotted by Liu Xi in the court. They just wanted to have meat to eat. They heard that Liu Xi wanted to kill a donkey for everyone. When they ate it, they were as happy as if they had been given chicken blood. They praised the prince Jing and said, "My lord, this gelding has six clean bones and its meat must taste better than that of a male or female donkey!"

Jing Shizi sneered and said, "Is it good or not? You will know after you taste it!"

After saying that, he ordered the other boys to get cooking stoves, buy oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tables and chairs, etc., while he sat back to the car dealership in a hurry, glaring at the cafeteria with angry eyes.

Liu Xi, you gelding, let’s wait and see!

He cursed secretly in his heart!

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