Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1737 Unspeakable (1)

The days passed, and the sky gradually became warmer. In a blink of an eye, it was the Shangsi Festival again. Because we were still in the midst of national filial piety, the customary Shangsi Festival banquet in previous years had been cancelled, and the young ladies from various families in the court could not attend. The palace had sent greetings to the Empress, and some scheming ladies sent messages to the palace, wanting to pay greetings to the Empress alone, in order to please the Queen.

Ning Huaixiu is one of them. Since the last time his father made things difficult for the queen and was punished by the emperor, the emperor has been much colder towards the Ning family. At that time, Mr. Ning suffered a lot in prison, but after he was released, the emperor did not comfort him with a single word. None, as if he deserved it. It can be seen that the emperor was annoyed with him from the bottom of his heart and refused to even do the superficial things.

In this regard, Prime Minister Ning was frightened and secretly complained to his daughter: "It is because of you that my father took the risk of bringing down the queen. Now it is difficult for him to be a father. You must think of a way to help your father. You must solve the problem." Only if the emperor’s dissatisfaction with being a father is resolved!”

Ning Huaixiu was also confused and didn't know what to do, because everything had changed and was different from her previous life!

Last year, she was still working as a maid in the palace. Before leaving the palace, a serious illness killed her. When she woke up, her soul had changed. Although she was still the same person, she was the same person ten years later.

She was reborn, and came back from ten years later. This should have made her excited, because she knew everything that was going to happen and how to control the situation.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she recognized the current situation, she suddenly found that everything had changed and was completely different from her previous life.

In her previous life, she said that she and Li Ruizhu were married to the King of Qin. Li Ruizhu was the main concubine and she was the side concubine. Nangong Yi was very kind to them, and their fathers also tried their best to support him and defeated the crown prince and Jin Guifei. , boarded Dabao.

After King Qin ascended the throne, Li Ruizhu became the queen, and she became the imperial concubine. The emperor thought of their father's meritorious support for him and treated her and Li Ruizhu very well. And she also loved the emperor to her bones, even more than she loved her own life. like!

Originally, she wanted to accompany the emperor until he grew old, but she died of a hemorrhage during childbirth. Looking back now, her death must be related to the queen, that is, Li Ruizhu. Li Ruizhu gave birth to a princess one month earlier than she did. She was afraid that she would be a threat to her if she gave birth to the emperor's eldest son, so he killed her.

After passing through, her first reaction was to clean up Li Ruizhu, but she was horrified to find that Li Ruizhu was dead long ago, and even Luoxue, who was the emperor's snow concubine in her previous life, was nowhere to be found, and she was even more ridiculously staying in the palace. I became a despicable palace maid...

Everything is different from the previous life!

The emperor became the emperor six years earlier than in his previous life, and the position of the queen had actually been occupied by someone long ago. The person who occupied the position of the queen was a woman she had never seen or heard of in her previous life. She was from a humble background, but she had a firm hold on the emperor. In addition to her, there is no other concubine in the emperor's harem.

how so? Why is everything different from the previous life!

She couldn't accept this change. It was obvious that she was also the emperor's woman. It was obvious that the emperor had been so kind to her. The two of them had spent time together under the moonlight reciting poems and composing poems, playing the harp to the moon, and having great pleasure in bed. It gave her a joy she would never forget until her death.

She loves him so much and relies on him, and he is very good to her. He stays in her palace for at least four or five days every month. In the previous life, the emperor had many concubines, so being able to spend four or five days a month was already a big deal. Oh my god, but now, he actually sleeps with the queen every day, even during her menstrual period, and she has become a complete joke. Not to mention that the emperor favors him, he doesn't even want to look at her. At a glance, he only had the queen in his heart!

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