Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1739 Unspeakable (3)

It didn't matter that she couldn't see Mo Zili. She was a woman with zero emotional intelligence. She was not as sensitive to love as other women. She just felt a little sorry for Mo Zili and had no other feelings for him.

What really bothers her is that she can't go out to eat, drink and have fun. There are so many delicious and fun things waiting for her in the capital, but she is detained at home every day, as if she is in prison. It is really painful for her.

"Caiwei, Caiwei, can you make a decree to tell my parents to stop restraining me? I'm almost suffocated to death!"

Juhua sat next to Caiwei, looking at Caiwei with bright eyes and white teeth in the mirror, and begged.

Caiwei scooped up a piece of facial oil and spread it evenly on her face. In the bronze mirror, her complexion was white and rosy, with a soft luster like pearls. Her eyes were like autumn water, and she was looking at another round face in the mirror playfully. With a smile on his face, he said: "Look at you, you will get married in a few months. You are still like a child. You only think about eating, drinking and playing every day. I am getting angry for your fiancé." , How can he get a wife? He clearly wants to adopt a daughter!"

Before he finished speaking, the palace maids and eunuchs on the side couldn't help laughing.

Juhua failed to do so, pouting and muttering: "Huh, if you don't want to help, then I won't help. I won't do anything to push people away!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Who said I won't help you? You can ask me to help you, but I have requirements!"

"Whatever you ask for, I will agree to it!" Juhua's eyes lit up when she heard that Caiwei was willing to help her. She blinked at Caiwei with her big eyes, feeling extremely excited.

Seeing her look like a puppy begging for a bone, Caiwei stretched out her hand and tapped her forehead, smiling: "Look at you, your ears perked up when you heard that you can go out to play. It's true!"

"What is your request? Just tell me quickly and don't show off, okay?" Juhua shook her arm, which made her unable to put on makeup, so she had no choice but to answer her.

"I plan to randomly check the accounts of the store under my name. Starting tomorrow, you can accompany me to check. There will be a free lunch!"

"I'll have lunch with you every day, that's great!"

After hearing this, Juhua nodded hurriedly and said, "I'm so bored right now that I can help you check the accounts. Hohoho, my parents won't stop me now..."

Just as he was smiling happily, the maid on duty outside came to report that Miss Ning had come to pay her respects.

When Juhua heard that someone was coming, she hurriedly stood up and said, "Since you have a guest, I'll go back first. When you go to check the accounts tomorrow, send someone to notify me, and I'll go with you!"

Caiwei nodded and asked Xiaozhi to send her out.

Chunliu said angrily: "This Ning family is really shameless. I remember when Miss Ning shamelessly wanted to serve the emperor. When she was in the palace, the empress was so kind to her. She didn't want to stay in the palace anymore. The empress was so kind to her. I sent them back and didn't embarrass them at all. Who would have thought that they would repay kindness with hatred. Not only did the empress not come to help when something happened, but she also helped that bitch Bai Zhi to slander the empress. According to me, the empress simply didn't want to see her and sent her away. Just go back and forget it!"

Chunliu complained, and Caiwei naturally thought of it. She was indeed chilled by what the Ning family had done, but for the sake of the stability of the previous dynasty, she could not expose her true feelings. The emperor had decided to deal with Prime Minister Ning. , It’s just that Prime Minister Ning has been running the government for many years, and his gangsters are so intertwined that they cannot be eliminated in a short time. Therefore, before we find out his details, we can’t alert him, lest he be cornered and things like Li Kaifeng happen again!

"Let her come in!" Caiwei ordered lightly.

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