Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1740 Unspeakable (4)

Under the guidance of a young eunuch, Ning Huaixiu entered the Dongnuan Pavilion of the imperial study. When she entered, Caiwei was sitting cross-legged in a smoke cage reading a book. Seeing Caiwei, Ning Huaixiu suppressed her inner emotions and lowered her eyebrows. He bowed down with pleasure.

"My daughter Ning Huaixiu pays homage to the Queen. The Queen is a thousand years old!"

Caiwei put down her book and said with a smile, "You and I have known each other for a day or two. Just do these formalities in front of others, and you don't have to be so open to the public behind your back."

These words were extremely affectionate. If Ning Huaixiu was still the nineteen-year-old soul, she would definitely be grateful for the Queen's words. But she is no longer the simple Ning Huaixiu. Is the Queen sincerely interested in her? Intimacy, she could tell.

Therefore, her attitude became even more humble and she said softly: "Thank you very much, Queen, for showing me your love. However, etiquette cannot be discarded. Huaixiu does not dare to rely on pampering, lest he be impeached by the officials!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "She is indeed a lady taught by Prime Minister Ning. She is indeed knowledgeable and polite. Come on, please get up and speak. Don't be constrained by etiquette!"

"Yes, these queens!"

Ning Huaixiu stood up respectfully, and silently stepped aside. Looking at Caiwei sitting there, her heart felt like it was overturned, all kinds of feelings came to her heart, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

In her previous life, she was the imperial concubine second only to the empress. She also held the same position as the deputy empress. Even Concubine Helan of Xianbei Kingdom was a head shorter than her. At that time, she and Empress Li were co-managers of the Sixth Palace, and they were sitting there in such a high position. She was worshiped by others, but now, she was the only one who worshiped them!

"Give me a seat!" Caiwei said lightly, with a kind smile on her face, looking extremely dignified.

Ning Huaixiu thanked her again, then sat down respectfully and talked to Caiwei.

The two of them were talking about which girl had haircuts and which powder shop had good powder. As they were talking, Xiao Zhi suddenly came in and reported: "My dear, the eunuch of the Bank of China has sent it in person." Do you want to take a look at the newly made gold and silver jewelry? If you don't like it, we can just send it back and let them make it again."

"Oh, bring it up and let me take a look." Caiwei said.

Xiaozhi clapped her hands, and five palace maids filed in holding exquisite and unique makeup boxes. They looked heavy, and then stood aside holding them for Caiwei to check.

There are also various jewelry boxes, some are rectangular and can be opened directly by flipping the lid; some are like a small standing cabinet with a two-door kitchenette on top and two drawers below; some are oval, not only in shape but also in shape. Different, even those who want to inlay gold, inlay silver, paint gold, or carve lacquer are all available.

Xiaozhi went over to open the jewelry box herself and asked Caiwei to look at it one by one.

As soon as the jewelry box is opened, the eyes are full of jewels, dazzling and dazzling, which makes people feel fascinated.

Caiwei has long been used to it, because it will happen once in a few months. Caiwei is a modern person and does not like to wear so many cumbersome things on her head. However, because of her status as a queen, she has to often attend some important occasions. On those important occasions, she must wear jewelry that matches her status. Therefore, even though she doesn't like it, the bank will still send high-quality jewelry regularly.

Caiwei browsed through it briefly, then picked up a golden phoenix hanging pearl, looked at it, and asked, "Do you have any from Princess Yao and the others?"

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Not yet! Eunuch Xu from the bank said that Mrs. Yao and the others had already greeted the bank last month, and from now on all their jewelry will be folded into silver for them. The concubines stay in the harem all day long and rarely go out to meet people. The jewelry they used to have is enough to wear, so why not break it into silver and give it to them, so that it will be easier for them to spend their money."

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